BPC157/TB500/GHK-CU combined


New Member
My vendor, I haven’t ordered direct from China but think I found the vendor I’m going with, has a Glow pre-mix of
10mg BPC 157
10mg TB 500
50mg GHK-cu

Does the dosing seem right for overall wellness? I know TB500 is usually dosed every 3 days and not daily but I saw this pre-mix and thought it would be easy.

I’ve had acid reflux from Sema, some serious inflammation the doctors can’t figure out, and old injuries (hip/back) that I want to see if I can get some help with. I am 47F and currently taking Sema but going to stack with low dose Reta this week.
pretty much all TB500 is actually T B4 these days and should be dosed ED from what I have read. Also most protocols follow a 4 week loading phase for TB500/TB4 of double the dose. Might be worth picking up and extra few vials of just TB500/TB4 to mix with the blend to achieve said loading period.
does the vendor provide test results for this peptide stack?
I don’t like the idea of mixing peptides or any compounds for that matter.
Maybe best to just get tested individual peptides. You might have issues with 1 of them and by injecting individually you’ll be able to figure out which one.
That is actually a great point @Benf15harp, hadn’t really thought about having a reaction to one and not being able to figure out specifically which one. I should have though as I’ve read the GHK is painful and people do have a reaction to it. Thanks for the tip!