Break in cycle advice


New Member
Planning to travel overseas (Japan) for 2.5 weeks and will be off for that time, then back on when I return. Test E, EOD, 150mg/wk. Is there anything special you do to prepare in this situation? Or while you're away? This isn't another post asking about taking T overseas - I won't be risking it. Just wondering what (if anything) people do while they're off for a few weeks. Thanks
I heard of some people taking Testosterone Undecanoate since its a long acting ester, i woukd definitely do some research 1st tho.
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Do a descent dose of test undecanoate before you head out if you're worried. Or just do your last shot of test before you leave. 2.5 weeks isn't going to hurt you any. If it's something like test e I doubt you'll really even notice any difference. Then start back up when you return.
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2.5 weeks is nothing to worry about. Just pin 500mg before you go, it will taper off no big deal.
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