Breaking Out On Clomid/nolvadex Pct


New Member
So im in the middle of a PCT after running a cycle of test prop for 12 weeks. What I've noticed is that I break out more on pct then I do on cycle. I don't break out at all when I'm on cycle and my gears g2g neither am I gyno prone but I've noticed that when I'm on pct my nipples are itchier and I breakout on my chest. Anyone else have this issue? What do you guys suggest?
Probably due to hormone imbalance. You can try to prevent on-cycle acne by taking an AI and keeping E2 in normal range. During PCT your hormones are going to be all over the board regardless, so acne will be tough to battle.
So im in the middle of a PCT after running a cycle of test prop for 12 weeks. What I've noticed is that I break out more on pct then I do on cycle. I don't break out at all when I'm on cycle and my gears g2g neither am I gyno prone but I've noticed that when I'm on pct my nipples are itchier and I breakout on my chest. Anyone else have this issue? What do you guys suggest?

It happens pretty frequently. Plenty of threads on here about medications that can help. It will likely clear relatively quickly on its own once you finish PCT and your hormones level out.
What was your cycle? Did you run an AI during the entire length of the cycle? If so, how much? Any previous blood work to indicate that your overly sensitive to rising E2?

The mentality that one is "not prone to gyno" doesn't make any sense to me at all. You and thousands of others feel they are not sensitive or prone to gyno simply because they have not grown breasts. And because of this they dont include one on cycle. But more often than not this seemingly small oversight returns to bite them in the ass.

You may feel that youre not gyno prone but your estrogen prone, and your body and endocrine system is prone to reacting to hormone fluctuations and imbalances. And this is what i believe is occurring in many many young (and often older) AAS users who blindly believe that they are "not prone top gyno."

You and many others have developed a false sense of security because most are able to complete a cycle without having grown boobs. This needs to be addressed either with blood work, or at the very least the inclusion of an AI to assist in preventing further complications down the road.
Northern you assume I didn't have an AI I had arimidex on hand as well as aromasin. I'm concerned more about the breaking out. I ran pre mid and will do post-pct bloods so I know where my levels were. I just find it weird that I break out more when on pct.
Yes they are. But you said, "I didn't have an AI I had arimidex on hand as well as aromasin."

Your estrogen looks good. Was this a (male) sensitive assay? Did you in fact run any AI on cycle? If so, what was your protocol?
read what I wrote again Northern. I said I you assume I didn't have an AI on hand I had arimidex and aromasin. I probably should have used a comma in there. I try to always use the male sensitive assay when I ordered my bloods online, good to pay extra to really find out how good the gear Im running is. I ran the adex around the middle of the cycle at 0.5mg EOD. Just to keep bloat and as a precaution for estrogen sides although I never felt itching or puffy nips on cycle.
Your hormones are likely up and down like whores pants on a Friday night. The human body is a remarkable organism and is constantly attempting to find homeostasis. In your case (and most AAS users) during recovery phase this can be very challenging. Ive found the best way to reduce this imbalance id to maintain stable AAS use during each cycle and including an AI. And transition from on cycle to PCT as quickly and as efficiently as possible. This often means including hCG on cycle to prevent testicular atrophy and incorporating a short ester at the end of a cycle that included long esters. This almost guarantees a swift and smooth transition with the least amount of unwanted sides occurring during this critical time.