Brewing tesosterone undecanoate and achieving the maximal half life


New Member
Hi Guys,

I've had a thorough search on the forums and I can't find anything that directly answers my question.
All I've previously made is homebrew test-e in mig840 and that went well enough.
I can't work out what %of benzyl benzoate I should use, and whether this affects the half life. From what I gather, provided I use enough solvent for it to dissolve + use castor oil I should be right in regards to half life but I'm new to all this.

If we look at nebido, they use 2000mg of BB per 4ml which = 500mg /ml which if I'm calculating this correctly is approx 59% BB. (Steroid Powder calculator)

Basing that off this calculator.

Now literature on this says:
"The combination of castor oiland benzyl benzoate provides the prolonged release charac-teristics of the depot and the appropriate viscosity for injectability"
Are they referring to BB providing the viscosity, or the extended half life.

My plan is probably to eventually move from Test-E daily injections (I aromatize like a motherfucker) to Test-U weekly for TRT. Any blasts will probably involve me adding more of a shorter ester on top of the undecanoate.
Alternatively I may just make some undecanoate to use prior to any holidays.

Thanks in advance guys
I apologize, I'm a newbie.

Whats the correct answer. How much raw, and how much bb would he be using?
Depends on the concentration you want to get. But those percentages are the amount of actual active testosterone there is, the rest is ester weight.
Depends on the concentration you want to get. But those percentages are the amount of actual active testosterone there is, the rest is ester weight.
What percentage of BB would I plug into the calculator to duplicate Nebido?
What percentage of BB would I plug into the calculator to duplicate Nebido?
Nebido 1000mg/4ml, solution for injection - Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) - (emc)
"Each ampoule / vial with 4 ml solution for injection contains 1000 mg testosterone undecanoate corresponding to 631.5 mg testosterone....2000 mg benzyl benzoate per ampoule / vial."
"Aveed is a clear, yellowish, sterile oily solution containing testosterone undecanoate, a testosterone ester, for intramuscular injection. Each single use vial contains 3 mL of 250 mg/mL testosterone undecanoate solution in a mixture of 1500 mg of benzyl benzoate and 885 mg of refined castor oil."