Hey ive been shut down for a while and im trying to wake the balls up while on cycle.
Im looking to just use clomid, hcg makes them appear bigger (i dont care about size) but it only mimics the effect of the balls working. Where i heard clomid will actually start the balls working and producing lh/fsh
Ive seen some people say their doctor said 50mg eod to get size back (start them working)
Some day 50mg ed and even some say 100mg a day.
Like 100mg a day for several weeks then lower the dose for few weeks. Like front loading, is that needed or can you just use 50mg eod.
Its hard because my head says losten to docs but they dont always know the best thing for steroids/bodybuilding. But then do you listen to some random.
Ive tried finding actual information on the subject but only come across some old thread post,not only could the people commenting have no clue but the info could also be outdated. If you have links i would appreciate, and if you have used clomid for the same purpose

First thing I would do is get bloodwork done. It also depends on how heavy your cycle was.
In your situation, I'd listen to the doctors if you're already seeing one.

Clomid will work, HCG is usually added the first 14 days prior to the clomid starting and it can also include nolva.
So you want to add clomid ON your current cycle? If so, yeah its been done. But at what dose I don't know. Supposedly it increases your "load volume" when you bust. And while you're on you could use HCG @ 500iu/week.

But as far as size? Come off and PCT properly if that's what you're after.
First thing I would do is get bloodwork done. It also depends on how heavy your cycle was.
Ive been blasting and cruising for probably 2 years. Always use low doses etc

Ive had bloodwork done in past but havent lately. Ive got a question (maybe abit of a dumb one)
But on the bloods will the lh and fsh levels tell me how shut down they are or if what im taking to fix it is working?
Like do i produce no lh/fsh at all while on,so i could measure it to see if its coming back
In your situation, I'd listen to the doctors if you're already seeing one.

Clomid will work, HCG is usually added the first 14 days prior to the clomid starting and it can also include nolva.
Im not seeing a doc yet about this situation but i meant other peoples comments on posts saying "there doctor said this"

Do you think you could use nolva on its own to wake them up? I was thinking clomid but apparently nolvadex does do the same, and clomids got me paranoid about the paranoia side effects lol

Ive read that hcg when stops blocks your (something) glands from getting lh/fsh so they shrink again. Size dont bother me to much but wjen i heard that when your balls atrophy the tissue actually dies it felt wrong lol and if i can keep them producing there own test ild prefer it. Some people say you can reverse ball shrinkage and maintain them functioning as usual on 20mg of nolva a day,well after tappering down from 100mg a day.
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Im not seeing a doc yet about this situation but i meant other peoples comments on posts saying "there doctor said this"

Do you think you could use nolva on its own to wake them up? I was thinking clomid but apparently nolvadex does do the same, and clomids got me paranoid about the paranoia side effects lol

Possibly.. But, if you've been B&C for two years then I think you'll need more than nolva only.

I would do 1500iu HCG for 14 days then begin SERMs. 50mg Clomid and 20mg nolva for 4 weeks. You can go higher on the clomid but, if you're worried about sides you can keep to 50mg and probably make out okay. I wouldn't get too hung up on sides, I think most individuals do fine with them.
So you want to add clomid ON your current cycle? If so, yeah its been done. But at what dose I don't know. Supposedly it increases your "load volume" when you bust. And while you're on you could use HCG @ 500iu/week.

But as far as size? Come off and PCT properly if that's what you're after.
Yeah load volume wouldnt be bad either lol

Ild get silicone ones if cared that much about size, im more after them functioning as usual so if i need to come off it would be easier. Just wishing i used nolva when they came back last. Basically my first cycle was on and off. Then they came back with pct. Then i started blasting n been shut down twice (if that matters)
Yeah load volume wouldnt be bad either lol

Ild get silicone ones if cared that much about size, im more after them functioning as usual so if i need to come off it would be easier. Just wishing i used nolva when they came back last. Basically my first cycle was on and off. Then they came back with pct. Then i started blasting n been shut down twice (if that matters)
Are you on cycle? Are you looking for PCT advice? I'm not sure I understand what you're after at the moment.
You stated "if I need to come off". Well, do you want to come off or are you cruising right now? How long have you been cruising?

Everyone is different and age matters alot as far as recovery back to natty. Other than HCG I dont know if anything else that will make it "easier" to return to normal baseline levels after a proper PCT. Clomid on a cruise is not going to make it "easier" to come off a cruise or cycle. Time off and a proper PCT plan is the only way.
I don’t blast and cruise so I can’t help you with recovery there. I’ve always done 1500iu if HCG and the usually 40/40/20/20 of Nolva and 100/100/50/50 of clomid. My last labs before the cycle I’m on now came back and my test levels were in the high 700s.
Possibly.. But, if you've been B&C for two years then I think you'll need more than nolva only.

I would do 1500iu HCG for 14 days then begin SERMs. 50mg Clomid and 20mg nolva for 4 weeks. You can go higher on the clomid but, if you're worried about sides you can keep to 50mg and probably make out okay. I wouldn't get too hung up on sides, I think most individuals do fine with them.
Cheers man i needed abit of a input, and as for the clomid sides i do think ill be alright with it i just thought if nolva can do the same with out the risks ild do that but if i need to use clomid then i need too,ill robably try a higher dose if recommended? Like 100/100/50/50

As for the hcg is that 1500 a day?

Now ive got a question that makes me feel stupid. Is all i need to do is basically follow a normal pct protocol (maybe one for a heavy cycle)
Because ive been searching for just stuff while on cycle and not been finding much,most pcts i see are aimed at coming off,like when all compounds are out your system
I don’t blast and cruise so I can’t help you with recovery there. I’ve always done 1500iu if HCG and the usually 40/40/20/20 of Nolva and 100/100/50/50 of clomid. My last labs before the cycle I’m on now came back and my test levels were in the high 700s.
Nice that sounds like the protocol i should be doing,
I don’t blast and cruise so I can’t help you with recovery there. I’ve always done 1500iu if HCG and the usually 40/40/20/20 of Nolva and 100/100/50/50 of clomid. My last labs before the cycle I’m on now came back and my test levels were in the high 700s.
@Eman what do you think of this with the higher nolva aswell just incase?
Because i used a little hcg not long ago (like 5000iu over 10 days) and 20mg of nolva a day just to see if it would do anything and didnt feel much if anything (probs placebo) so now i wanna make sure sort of thing
Cheers man i needed abit of a input, and as for the clomid sides i do think ill be alright with it i just thought if nolva can do the same with out the risks ild do that but if i need to use clomid then i need too,ill robably try a higher dose if recommended? Like 100/100/50/50

As for the hcg is that 1500 a day?

Now ive got a question that makes me feel stupid. Is all i need to do is basically follow a normal pct protocol (maybe one for a heavy cycle)
Because ive been searching for just stuff while on cycle and not been finding much,most pcts i see are aimed at coming off,like when all compounds are out your system

No, every third day...

And yeah... You need to do a PCT. I'm confused, isn't that the point of your thread? Getting help with the PCT plan?

@Eman what do you think of this with the higher nolva aswell just incase?
Because i used a little hcg not long ago (like 5000iu over 10 days) and 20mg of nolva a day just to see if it would do anything and didnt feel much if anything (probs placebo) so now i wanna make sure sort of thing

I'll tell you exactly what I would run if I were in your shoes...

Day 1-21: 1500iu hCG E3D
Day 15: get bloods to check response. If good, then:

Day 15-45: 20mg nolva
Day 15-45: 50mg clomid twice daily

didnt feel much if anything

? What do you mean you didn't feel anything? You don't base PCT response on feels, base it on blood work. Have you gotten any bloods? You're losing me.
Cheers i looked into that and it sounded good but then i read it blocks some testosterone and it lost me lol
It doesn't block testosterone. In the high doses used for chemical castration it overstimulates your hpta which causes it to shutdown. Leading to no testosterone. The 100mcg shot used for pct is magnitudes less than what is required to do this.

It stimulates you just enough to get everything working again. If "chemical castration" scares you, don't worry it ain't gonna happen, and if you somehow take doses 100x higher than what you should for an extended period of time, it's completely reversible.
Not everyone’s body or recovery is the same. What works for me or someone else might not work for you, again the most important thing here is bloodwork. We’re not doctors.
It doesn't block testosterone. In the high doses used for chemical castration it overstimulates your hpta which causes it to shutdown. Leading to no testosterone. The 100mcg shot used for pct is magnitudes less than what is required to do this.

It stimulates you just enough to get everything working again. If "chemical castration" scares you, don't worry it ain't gonna happen, and if you somehow take doses 100x higher than what you should for an extended period of time, it's completely reversible.

Have you actually tried this? I am well aware of the Protocol but have seen little anecdotal evidence.

I am planning on having another kid this year so jumping off gear and Trt for a bit. This was my planned Protocol!
No, every third day...

And yeah... You need to do a PCT. I'm confused, isn't that the point of your thread? Getting help with the PCT plan?

I'll tell you exactly what I would run if I were in your shoes...

Day 1-21: 1500iu hCG E3D
Day 15: get bloods to check response. If good, then:

Day 15-45: 20mg nolva
Day 15-45: 50mg clomid twice daily

? What do you mean you didn't feel anything? You don't base PCT response on feels, base it on blood work. Have you gotten any bloods? You're losing me.

And PCT means post cycle, i dont cycle and im not coming off,im trying to wake the nuts up while on. (Not sure if its better to do it on a cruise or blast though)
So i was asking can i basically follow a pct which is aimed for when your off all compounds?

Ok that looks good, when u say get bloods what would that be to look for?
As i though hcg only mimics lh/fsh production so that wouldnt change etc

And i didnt feel the balls get any bigger

(Cant work out how to quote messages)