It doesn't block testosterone. In the high doses used for chemical castration it overstimulates your hpta which causes it to shutdown. Leading to no testosterone. The 100mcg shot used for pct is magnitudes less than what is required to do this.

It stimulates you just enough to get everything working again. If "chemical castration" scares you, don't worry it ain't gonna happen, and if you somehow take doses 100x higher than what you should for an extended period of time, it's completely reversible.
Oh shit ok cheers ill look into it more

And PCT means post cycle, i dont cycle and im not coming off,im trying to wake the nuts up while on. (Not sure if its better to do it on a cruise or blast though)
So i was asking can i basically follow a pct which is aimed for when your off all compounds?

Ok that looks good, when u say get bloods what would that be to look for?
As i though hcg only mimics lh/fsh production so that wouldnt change etc

And i didnt feel the balls get any bigger

(Cant work out how to quote messages)

If you want to "wake the nuts up" you take HCG. 500iu two or three times a week. That's it.
If you want to "wake the nuts up" you take HCG. 500iu two or three times a week. That's it.
Isnt that just for size though? Like your balls aint actually functioning and producing.
Im trying to get them working not just bigger, ild be happy with them just functioning and no size increase.
Apparently if i used nolva when by balls where still functioning (natty) they wouldn't of got smaller,would still be producing their own test and lh/fsh hormones, no lower sperm count etc

So im hoping i can get them working again, then continue the nolva use to keep them working while on (hoping i dont need to come off to get them working again aswell)
Isnt that just for size though? Like your balls aint actually functioning and producing.

The size decrease is due to atrophy. When you take HCG, it'll increase their size because it encourages them to function again to a certain extent.

SERMs work in a similar way by stimulating LH release, rather than using HCG that acts as a mimic to LH.

Apparently if i used nolva when by balls where still functioning (natty) they wouldn't of got smaller,would still be producing their own test and lh/fsh hormones, no lower sperm count etc

It just doesn't work that way. When you chose to blast and cruise, you gave up the option for a normally functioning endocrine system with regard to testosterone, LH, FSH, sperm count, as well as a number of other hormones and hormonal processes. That's why it's a big decision, a life choice that should only be made when you need it due to a lack of natural testosterone. You can't have your cake and eat it too... You can take HCG and maintain some function but it's limited, it's mainly so that if you do decide to get your natural system operating again it'll be easier. Instead of letting the car sit for a long time and the battery going dead, you can keep it on a trickle charge so it'll hopefully be ready when you turn the ignition...
Have you actually tried this? I am well aware of the Protocol but have seen little anecdotal evidence.

I am planning on having another kid this year so jumping off gear and Trt for a bit. This was my planned Protocol!
Ya buddy I I did it once. I bc but I come off for a bit once every year, tried the tripto method once and it was sweet. I woke up the next day by my huge nuts falling off the bed and pulling me down with them lol.

Got a few buddies who do the triptorelin pct too on my advice and they all love it. One poke with a slin pin and pct is done
Ya buddy I I did it once. I bc but I come off for a bit once every year, tried the tripto method once and it was sweet. I woke up the next day by my huge nuts falling off the bed and pulling me down with them lol.

Got a few buddies who do the triptorelin pct too on my advice and they all love it. One poke with a slin pin and pct is done

Greatly appreciated! I started a thread on it years back. So far you're the only person to respond who has actually done it.
Ya buddy I I did it once. I bc but I come off for a bit once every year, tried the tripto method once and it was sweet. I woke up the next day by my huge nuts falling off the bed and pulling me down with them lol.

Got a few buddies who do the triptorelin pct too on my advice and they all love it. One poke with a slin pin and pct is done
Whats your actual pct protocol with triptorelin? Im curious
The size decrease is due to atrophy. When you take HCG, it'll increase their size because it encourages them to function again to a certain extent.

SERMs work in a similar way by stimulating LH release, rather than using HCG that acts as a mimic to LH.

It just doesn't work that way. When you chose to blast and cruise, you gave up the option for a normally functioning endocrine system with regard to testosterone, LH, FSH, sperm count, as well as a number of other hormones and hormonal processes. That's why it's a big decision, a life choice that should only be made when you need it due to a lack of natural testosterone. You can't have your cake and eat it too... You can take HCG and maintain some function but it's limited, it's mainly so that if you do decide to get your natural system operating again it'll be easier. Instead of letting the car sit for a long time and the battery going dead, you can keep it on a trickle charge so it'll hopefully be ready when you turn the ignition...
I am aware of the consequences when blasting n cruising, at the time i didnt mind any of the sides. But now ive read that you can keep your balls "fully" functioning as usual even when on, then also people saying you can wake them up while on a blast and keep them functioning with nolva, so ive looked into it to get advice from people who might know.

If i jumped off after almost 2 years do you think it would be a long wait untill it starts producing itself again?

The only reason i would come off now is to start them working again then hop back on and try keep them working with nolva, but if that doesnt work then it would just be a wasye of time and gains lol
Same as every other pct. Wait til your hormones have cleared, then reconstitute and poke subq. That's it, you're done.
No i mean the dose, you mentioned the compound but no dose. I think i noticed you said its just one injection n thats it?
And no other serms etc
If you want to "wake the nuts up" you take HCG. 500iu two or three times a week. That's it.
I get what your saying about the hcg, if i was just concerned about the nut size or load size i would be doing this, and i get what your saying you cant have both, be on and have them producing at the same time. I didnt think you could either thats why i let them shut down, but then i read the you can use nolva to keep them producing while on. Maybe its just bollocks.

About just hcg does it actually stop the nuts becoming atrophied or is that just mimicked aswell?

Also would 500iu 2 - 3 times a week wake them up while on, or would i need to come off, run a pct then when i next go on use it at 500iu 2-3 times a week.

Because if it did wake them up while on,would it be beneficial to wake them up then come off and do pct to minimise the crash,or is that just pointless
No i mean the dose, you mentioned the compound but no dose. I think i noticed you said its just one injection n thats it?
And no other serms etc
Haha my bad... I said earlier it's 100mcg, easy to miss in my post I guess. Yes it's micrograms. I've only ever seen it available in 100mcg vials. The amount used for chemical castration is like 5mg a month. That works out to 170mcg a day every single day which will cause you to shutdown. A one off shot of 100mcg is perfect for restarting everything

I've seen it said before that a serm can help, I believe nolva at 150mg to stop the brain from recognizing the estrogen spike you get from the triptorelin. But you take it like a day before the tripto so it's totally in your blood.

So when you're due to start pct, which is up to you depending when your esters have cleared, 150mg nolva on day 1, 100mcg shot of triptorelin on day 2. Day 3 tea bag your gf with your lemon sized nuts and paint her face
Hcg is a must if you’re a dumb fuck (like I was) that knows absolutely fucking nothing of the implications of AAS abuse.
Yeah mate you need HCG. No clomid tho until you’re nuts are working again.
I get what your saying about the hcg, if i was just concerned about the nut size or load size i would be doing this, and i get what your saying you cant have both, be on and have them producing at the same time. I didnt think you could either thats why i let them shut down, but then i read the you can use nolva to keep them producing while on. Maybe its just bollocks.

About just hcg does it actually stop the nuts becoming atrophied or is that just mimicked aswell?

Also would 500iu 2 - 3 times a week wake them up while on, or would i need to come off, run a pct then when i next go on use it at 500iu 2-3 times a week.

Because if it did wake them up while on,would it be beneficial to wake them up then come off and do pct to minimise the crash,or is that just pointless

I feel like I've already answered this as much as I can... HCG will allow your testicles to retain some function. If by "wake them up" you expect to have full function, no.. It won't do that.

It will actually stop the testicles from being atrophied. It will help you recover if you ever stop blasting/cruising. It can help you retain the ability to have children in the future also. That's the main reasons you'd take it, with a few others.
Haha my bad... I said earlier it's 100mcg, easy to miss in my post I guess. Yes it's micrograms. I've only ever seen it available in 100mcg vials. The amount used for chemical castration is like 5mg a month. That works out to 170mcg a day every single day which will cause you to shutdown. A one off shot of 100mcg is perfect for restarting everything

I've seen it said before that a serm can help, I believe nolva at 150mg to stop the brain from recognizing the estrogen spike you get from the triptorelin. But you take it like a day before the tripto so it's totally in your blood.

So when you're due to start pct, which is up to you depending when your esters have cleared, 150mg nolva on day 1, 100mcg shot of triptorelin on day 2. Day 3 tea bag your gf with your lemon sized nuts and paint her face
Thats mad ive never heard of this it sounds so simple, now im not sure if i try the usual pct or this, quite tempted with your method.
And you prob did mention dose im usually high asf lol
That last bit made the missus laugh.
Hcg is a must if you’re a dumb fuck (like I was) that knows absolutely fucking nothing of the implications of AAS abuse.
Yeah mate you need HCG. No clomid tho until you’re nuts are working again.
Yeah im starting to wish i used it too. I just thought it made em seem bigger, i didnt realise it stops them from atrophying. I might come off soon, do pct then use hcg next time throughout, cheers for the input man
I feel like I've already answered this as much as I can... HCG will allow your testicles to retain some function. If by "wake them up" you expect to have full function, no.. It won't do that.

It will actually stop the testicles from being atrophied. It will help you recover if you ever stop blasting/cruising. It can help you retain the ability to have children in the future also. That's the main reasons you'd take it, with a few others.
Yeah i was quite high messaging before so might not be as clear lol

Thats what i didnt realise about hcg, i thought it just made them plump up and seem full, didnt realise it stops them actually atrophying. I just though the balls shrunk abit then when u stop they come back, i didnt realise that the tissue actually dies. Im planning on coming off very soon to do pct and then next time use hcg throughout, or can i wake them up with hcg without coming off?

I know u said 500iu 2-3 times a week but is that like when your natty and start cycle, or could i just start using that amount and it would work, i ask because i know pct takes a higher amount of hcg at once to start em.

Do you have any experience with triptorelin pct aswell? Like the one above
Haha my bad... I said earlier it's 100mcg, easy to miss in my post I guess. Yes it's micrograms. I've only ever seen it available in 100mcg vials. The amount used for chemical castration is like 5mg a month. That works out to 170mcg a day every single day which will cause you to shutdown. A one off shot of 100mcg is perfect for restarting everything

I've seen it said before that a serm can help, I believe nolva at 150mg to stop the brain from recognizing the estrogen spike you get from the triptorelin. But you take it like a day before the tripto so it's totally in your blood.

So when you're due to start pct, which is up to you depending when your esters have cleared, 150mg nolva on day 1, 100mcg shot of triptorelin on day 2. Day 3 tea bag your gf with your lemon sized nuts and paint her

Do you think the triptorelin pct would wake them up while on?
Then maintain with hcg