Hcg is a must man on cycle no question about it
Yeah im trying to work out now if i can use it to wake them up while on a trt dose and then continue at roughly 500iu a week to keep them functioning.
Or if i have to come off, do a pct and then when i next go on use it to keep them working

Any idea?
I would argue I went through puberty twice. It took an extremely long time for my plums to function.
Quick question, if I have new leydig and sertoli, has the life of them extended? Fuck knows I’ll take that shit. Even if they work for another 3 years ILL BE GREATFUL as fuck.
Another point is like to make whilst I’m here; in general, the aesthetic little cunt injects AAS at let’s say 16. Gets massive as duck bla bla. Crawls through hypo wondering why his life is so shit shit. Come up to me and says “fucking shit steroids”. What is the fucking point of taking them if the gains take so much maintenance to stay?

kids fucking smaller STEROIDS ARE A SCAM. Do it natural.

obviously excepting hard core gym heads.

4g of test, 300mg of teen per week for 4 years. Wonder how my insides are.. hmmmmm