Thanks man for the info, I suppose I was only thinking by running both year round that it will mitigate some of the shutdown, I am currently on HCG and my testes have gained their size back, HMG is expensive, so will plan to use when coming off.Yes will be beneficial to reducing testicular atrophy, helping maintain fertility, providing upstream hormones to testosterone (preg, dhea, etc)
Yes. HMG + HCG will supply the LH and FSH signal to the body to urge it to continue making sperm, not shut off testes. HMG supplies FSH whereas HCG supplies LH (simply put).
This confused me. If you're going to get off and blast a fertility regimen when it's time, then idk if it makes sense to incorporate hmg + HCG unless you just want to.
I'm of the opinion that it is more difficult to regain fertility parameters while on blast / test / TRT, than it is to maintain those fertility parameters. So, my philosophy since I got off and improved sperm count to 350m is to try and keep as much of that as possible since I'm now back on blast. Therefore, I'm megadosing the HCG and HMG since I am also on a big blast...we'll see how ti all ends up working out.
While running HCG, is it normal for bloods to show low LH while in a cycle? Even if testes regained size?