Bunk gear 6 weeks in


New Member
So I was taking alpha deca and Watson test for 6 weeks. This was from that place with the .net .com issues. Before all that BS took place with who is running it, who's owns it, domestic, then everything went to shit. Several vets vouched for them, hence why I ordered from them. My own research indicated that this place was g2g. Anyway, 6 weeks and nothing, no weight, no strength, joints got really weak actually.

Labs also indicated otherwise. So doing 500mg Watson test per week, lab results showed my test was 116.

Had alpha deca tested at the lab on campus to see what it actually was. They found Cotton seed oil and some winny. Wtf right?

Anyway, so yeah, I learned, read, read, read, research. So went back, did more research on this site and found an alt source that some of you guys vouched for and got UG deca and test.

So my question is: if the previous stuff was all bunk then this is essentially as if I am starting my cycle for the first time correct? So start is as usually. Or do I have to take into account or be concerned about the previous 6 weeks that was already run?

I don't think I ever read being on any cycle for 18 weeks is safe. Not cruising either. Not sure if the first 6 weeks even count as a cycle. What do you guys think?

Anyway, just wanted you guys opinions on what to do. This is not really a situation that I can imagine has happened to many people, nor is it a topic that has any comments, so I wanted to know, from the vets, what I should do.

I am not looking to get torn a new asshole either. Some of you guys seem to just jump in, make a wise ass comment and then leave, I am really lookin for advice. Of inane get it here in a community where we are all seeking the same thing, the why did I sign up on the first place.
I would think that based on your test results that you've been shut down for the past six weeks. If that is the case, then you would have to consider that time as part of your cycle. The longer you keep yourself shut down, the longer your recovery will be.
Like other said.. since the gears bunk.. no problem in extending 12-16week
Well there's definitely some hormone in his body because he is shut down at 116 test. What else were the numbers on your bloodwork. LH and FSH? E2? To answer the question yes u can extend it , but you have been putting SOMETHING in your body the past 6 weeks. If your school lab found winny then that's probably what was causing your "weaker" joints too
Well there's definitely some hormone in his body because he is shut down at 116 test. What else were the numbers on your bloodwork. LH and FSH? E2? To answer the question yes u can extend it , but you have been putting SOMETHING in your body the past 6 weeks. If your school lab found winny then that's probably what was causing your "weaker" joints too

Totally.. But no harm in extending since he's already shut-down.
Because we get tons of under 23yrs asking question about gear.. :)
This is true, but just because someone is younger doesn't mean we shouldnt help them to the best of our ability. They are adults and the decisions they make to their own body's is entirely theirs. I agree they should have to put in their own research, but they deserve to be helped just as much as anyone else.

I also agree there is no harm in extending the cycle. Just check your bloodwork and maybe extend your pct by a week or two
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I was just going to say...should u push for another 6 weeks or the full 12. Thanks bro.
Looks like you are just starting your cycle. With blood results like 116, you were definitely ripped off.

Sorry about that. I would rather get hit in the head with a black jack than burned online. At least you have a fighting chance.
Totally.. But no harm in extending since he's already shut-down.

I gotta disagree with you here. Im 40, I deal with young adults, and yes there stupid. But If I am 18-23 and I shoot someone, I am considered an adult, I get tried as an adult, I don't go to juvie, I get a death sentence, no mercy. Also, if I am in that age range I can enlist in one of the military and kill for my country. Shoot to kill. No mercy. So why would a 23 y/o not be able to ask question about aas? And if you really are against it, why do you even bother chiming in to ask what there age is or comment? Just move onto the next post. I saw a guy do that the other day. He asked the noob how old he was, the noob responded 24, and about (3) bros posted, I dont help people under 30. WTF? Thats not American.

Why dont the guys on MESO have a 5 line mandatory requirement under the photo that is visible to all people and will provide all this "make it or break it" info to the vets on here. Then you can respond based on who they are, rather than what they posted. Then we can actually get a solution to the problems posted rather that a 200+ thread debating age, sex, race, creed, cock size, ect.

% Body Fat:
# of previous cycles:
# of years at gym:

I am also saying this because the other day there was a "23 y/o" asking what the difference between ML and MG on a bottle of test was and how to draw it up, and no one would help him. Why? Then we he fucks himself up by drawing up too much, it'll come back on us, one way or another. People come here to get info, real info, the internet and google is full of shit. They'll have you shooting up test like heroine if you listen to those ass-hats. They read, they sign up, and eventually they have the balls to ask a question. Why wouldn't you help them? If you dont want to, dont, but dont change the entire post to be about the person age, lack of aas use, and info need.

I hate personally hate the HORDERs OF INFO, as if they will die the bro-logic God of the internet and will have a online GIF image erected of him/her.
To bad there's no dislike for your comments.. You are comparing apples to orange and don't make a damn sense.. have you visit the PCT forum and read countless of young guys starting to young and cant control thier shiet..and regart starting at such a young age... i have and its not pretty.. we alway tell young folks to wait and let your body grow- heck that age, they're producing massive amount of test! No need to jump on the juice. . You dont have to be a rocket scientists to know at the age your training and diet is not on point. Thats way i asked for OP age since it was not part of your original post. if you came back at 23 and under ill move on.. no need to help the stupid. i only response since you asked and gave some examples not related to AAS as to say its ok for anyone(18-23) to start a cycle. But ill leave your thread and move on..you should pop in PCT thread-- good reading and you might learn something.. i know they say you cant teach an old dog new trick.. but i tried
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I gotta disagree with you here. Im 40, I deal with young adults, and yes there stupid. But If I am 18-23 and I shoot someone, I am considered an adult, I get tried as an adult, I don't go to juvie, I get a death sentence, no mercy. Also, if I am in that age range I can enlist in one of the military and kill for my country. Shoot to kill. No mercy. So why would a 23 y/o not be able to ask question about aas? And if you really are against it, why do you even bother chiming in to ask what there age is or comment? Just move onto the next post. I saw a guy do that the other day. He asked the noob how old he was, the noob responded 24, and about (3) bros posted, I dont help people under 30. WTF? Thats not American.

Why dont the guys on MESO have a 5 line mandatory requirement under the photo that is visible to all people and will provide all this "make it or break it" info to the vets on here. Then you can respond based on who they are, rather than what they posted. Then we can actually get a solution to the problems posted rather that a 200+ thread debating age, sex, race, creed, cock size, ect.

% Body Fat:
# of previous cycles:
# of years at gym:

I am also saying this because the other day there was a "23 y/o" asking what the difference between ML and MG on a bottle of test was and how to draw it up, and no one would help him. Why? Then we he fucks himself up by drawing up too much, it'll come back on us, one way or another. People come here to get info, real info, the internet and google is full of shit. They'll have you shooting up test like heroine if you listen to those ass-hats. They read, they sign up, and eventually they have the balls to ask a question. Why wouldn't you help them? If you dont want to, dont, but dont change the entire post to be about the person age, lack of aas use, and info need.

I hate personally hate the HORDERs OF INFO, as if they will die the bro-logic God of the internet and will have a online GIF image erected of him/her.

Youre sounding real whiny (like a female) in this post. If you dont like how things are done here there are many different forums out there.

And yes, some people hoard info. Because if one person takes the time to look stuff up and do real research to get an answer, why should another lazy dude get the same info when he's shown he's done no research. Theres too many people out there who want shit just given to them.

And why bother posting. Because we can. Free country. Thats American!

