Buying steroids in Mexico


Does anybody have experience buying gear down across the border? I wonder how restrictive they are in the pharmacies and such. I know back in the day you used to be able to get just about anything you wanted, but from what I understand the Mexican government has cracked down on all that. If anyone could post stories or experiences that would be great
My friends and I used to go down to TJ back in the day, before 9-11. We could get most of what we asked for, though we weren't really going for the steroids back then. Some shit was priced really well. Other shit like vicoden, they wanted crazy money...$10 a pill when we could buy them back in the states for .50 to a dollar a pop. We used to buy soma muscle relaxers over the counter like tylenol for about .10 or .20 cents a pill but I believe those became a controlled substance. Once while down there, I spent about $200 bucks and came back through customs with a 50 gallon contractor bag full of fireworks and a few switchblades.
Smh...the good old days. Truth told, you can likely find some pharmacies willing to play ball, but the tricky part has always been getting back across the border. The only thing I might suggest if you are going to try and sneak something though, is don't be too greedy. At least in the past, they have been pretty relaxed about allowing personal amounts of pharmaceuticals a 3 month supply. Good luck.
You could, but honestly it's easier to just buy shit online from a UGL nowadays. The only things you can really get down there easily is gel testosterone and HGH (although I would venture to say a lot of the HGH is underdosed). Otherwise you'd need a script which is gonna cost you and then it might be taken when you come back anyway. Get a script for TRT in the US and then for other non-test items just go UGL all the way.
When I read the title my first though was "dont?". Ive heard the prices arent good anymore and there is a ton of fakes/underdoses/bad gear. I would go to the middle east/asia and do that if ya had the choice. I hear there are no restrictions and the prices are unbeatable. Scammers are even making ampules nowadays.
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I know back in the day you used to be able to get just about anything you wanted, but from what I understand the Mexican government has cracked down on all that. If anyone could post stories or experiences that would be great

My friends and I used to go down to TJ back in the day
I know you are probably more interested in current status experiences but all I've got is 'back in the day' stories.

So back in the 90s, I attended a major university in Texas and everyone I knew on steroids was using Mexican steroids - pharma and vet grade but mostly vet. A good number of them would drive down to a border town to obtain their supply.

Before the cartels destroyed border town tourism, the general tourist trade was always bustling on weekends. Even with the masses of ordinary tourists, there was a disproportionate number of bodybuilders that stood out like a sore thumb. Some with their girlfriends. Some alone. Some in groups. I even saw some recognizable players from the college football team. Gee, I wonder what they were doing there?

Once you crossed the border, the number of overly muscled guys going in and out of pharmacies left little doubt.

Obviously, border patrol / customs knew what going on but showed little interest in stopping or searching any of the big guys. Some did but rarely. I heard stories...

Mostly about dealers getting busted driving across with steroids in secret panels of their car. That seemed like an unnecessary risk.

Most of the dealers (as well as a few regular individual customers) developed trusted relationships with border town vets. The vets would arrange 'mules' to deliver the drugs far across the border to eliminate the smuggling risk.

This all changed along with the rising cartel violence along the border but especially with DEA Operation Gear Grinder.

In retrospect, it was probably the best thing that could have happened to the U.S. steroid black market. It opened everyone's eyes to the untapped potential of domestic UGLs.

And the rest , as they say, is history...
I remember a buddy of mine bought a lb of brick weed down there back in the early 90s. He then gave a taxi driver another 60 bucks to drive across the border with it. Back in those days, weed was still expensive so even though he had pretendica, he was stoked. Back then, an ounce of good bud would run you 300-400 and it may or may not have been top shelf, so he was happy. Now, especially during harvest season, my buddies will sell me an ounce for 80-100 and whole pounds cost about 25-30% of what they did back in 90s. And besides prices getting cheaper and top shelf becoming more of the normal, I haven't seen any brick for probably 25 years. Now days, a high percentage of the weed grown in California is being grown by the illegal immigrants and more over, by the Mexican mafia. They were already coming up here and realized they could just grow it here and charge a lot more money for it, too. The MM, at least in my eyes, is responsible for the cheap prices around here. They came into my old neighborhood and would talk people into renting their yards to grow. I remember the prices had come down a bit in the early 2000s, but guys were still getting 2-3k pretty easy, especially if they were dumping it out of state. Then, the MM starting offering pounds for 500-1000 bucks. And just like that, weed wasn't worth shit...for years. Prices have crept back in the last few years a little but those guys took the market by storm back then. Even though their buds weren't usually that great, people would buy it for the price and it still affected the guys with killer top shelf. I had one friend who grew about 2000 pounds and he couldn't sell all of it after the crash. He was trying to mix it in with fresh bud for the next 3 years...but man, those were the days. To be young again...
P.S. I'm not sure what I did to make my story look like I quoted it inside the box. And when I tried to make a new paragraph, it wanted to give me a new box, so I just went with a wall of text instead.
I was in PV a couple months ago. They had test, anavar, winny, dbol I think and maybe a few others. If I recall, it was quite a bit more expensive than online.
I went to college in Southern California late 90s and never stopped in TJ....we went straight to Ensenada where the bunk gear wasn’t as prevalent as TJ. There were a few pharmacias that had legit shit, but even the trusted places had some severely underdosed UGL test, deca and tren. The Sustonon redijects were legit but the PIP was off the chart, but WTF did we know it was just all a part of the game we thought. I believe they were Organon.

The key back then was to build relationships with pharmacy owners; it got to the point we would email them an order then come down and pick it up a few weeks later. Even back then, three white kids loitering around a pharmacy would get the federalies attention and the pharmacy owner...we had it down to about a 3 min transaction, rounding up say our $250 order to $300 helped too.

Highway 1B I believe had a check point between Ensenada and TJ...we only had one problem when the federalies claimed we couldn’t have the case of Jack we had in the back. We just “surrendered it” and paid a $20 fine LOLOL. The $500 of hear in the bumper of my Honda was more important than getting into an argument.

Now you couldn’t pay me 10 million to do something like that. Find a domestic source, man. Border is just waiting to pop anyone to justify their budget.
Love stories from the 90s! Reminds me of of muscle media 2000, flex magazine workout on espn 2, and anabolic reference guide. Good ole times back then. Had to work to get gear back then, not just click a mouse (if they still call it that, damn I’m getting old).
I have a great 15+ Year relationship with a pharmacy owner in Mexico. I would call him 2 weeks before I was heading give him a list of everything I needed everything was there waiting when I showed up. As the years went on he just kept getting more and more fakes. I was down there before the Covid shit all hit stopped in and talked to him he said the same thing to many fakes. He also said he can get me whatever I want if I give him sometime but also said he didn’t know how real it was. I would just stick to the UG stuff.
But today it’s crazy, can get almost anything from hrt clinics here in the USA..test, deca, oxandrolone, stanozolol, hgh, oxymetholone etc. all legit, legal etc
Get what you pay for (ie more $, but getting the real deal).
I live here currently and there are dudes selling UGL cause the legit farmacias only have Testoviron, Sostenon(yes it's spelled like that. Aspen Pharma from south africa), Testoprim-D(cheapest, most painful), Deca (only 50mg/mL), and Proviron.

I'm actually going through a TRT clinic cause the price to get ~200mg a week test, HCG, and an AI just in case is half what it is in Mexico.

Get a clinic that'll keep you at high normal and use domestic for blasting.

PS they do have legit Nordtropin and Saizen HGH here too but it's about $350-400 for a month at just 2iu a day. 4-6 IU a day had me with the tingly arms but I never got IGF blood work and the results weren't worth the cost.
I live here currently and there are dudes selling UGL cause the legit farmacias only have Testoviron, Sostenon(yes it's spelled like that. Aspen Pharma from south africa), Testoprim-D(cheapest, most painful), Deca (only 50mg/mL), and Proviron.

I'm actually going through a TRT clinic cause the price to get ~200mg a week test, HCG, and an AI just in case is half what it is in Mexico.

Get a clinic that'll keep you at high normal and use domestic for blasting.

PS they do have legit Nordtropin and Saizen HGH here too but it's about $350-400 for a month at just 2iu a day. 4-6 IU a day had me with the tingly arms but I never got IGF blood work and the results weren't worth the cost.
Which UGLs are being sold there?
I order from a legit mexican pharmacy for bp meds, thyroid ect. Super cheap. They send 10 items only. Never gets seized cause theyre legit. Not sure if I have just been lucky. Some stuffs high though like telmisartan but losartans cheap. Pharmacias del nino.
Does anybody have experience buying gear down across the border? I wonder how restrictive they are in the pharmacies and such. I know back in the day you used to be able to get just about anything you wanted, but from what I understand the Mexican government has cracked down on all that. If anyone could post stories or experiences that would be great
Recently went to Cancun. They had very few AAS available and the prices were insane.
As a Texas native this thread calls to me. My first introduction to aas was with Mexico’s pharmaceuticals. Such as their testosterone and Deca QV.

Getting it was as simple as walking across the border and walking into a pharmacy and asking for it. Every now and then there was a pharmacy or two that wanted you to walk up stairs and pay a guy for a prescription first as it’s Mexico and everything is about $$$. You could easily tell them you don’t have time for that or the money to do all that and they would forgo the doc visit and just fill our request.

A buddy of mine got caught with a few vials walking back into the states and that ended our experience with Mexico’s finest.

I wouldn’t trust much from Mexico nowadays. Don’t really trust that what I took back then was dosed correctly or if most of what I felt was a placebo. Other than the DecaQV. That stuff blew me up. (One of those first cycle gained 30 pounds experience). It would be interesting to see how something out of a border town pharmacy would do hplc tested. I can remember buying a test400 from one of the pharmacies once to give a little insight in to how out of the norm Mexico is.