Can any one give me a hand with pct?

I usually just cruise when not on, but Id like to start doing it right, this is long overdue. I read the pct articles above and had a tough time understanding them. What would you recommend for a 12 week cycle of:
500mg Test P a week
600mg Mast P a week
600mg Tren E a week
50mg Var every day
I have HGC, clomid, and anastrozole... how can I wrap this up and how long should I wait to start.
Thank you very much for any help with this.
First I would get some nolva on hand....then
3 days after last pin run 2000ui hcg eod for 10 days thats 5 shots
3days after your last shot of hcg I would start your pct at
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
You mention that you usually just "cruise", so how long has it been since you've been off completely ?
First I would get some nolva on hand....then
3 days after last pin run 2000ui hcg eod for 10 days thats 5 shots
3days after your last shot of hcg I would start your pct at
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
So on the clomid/nolva those are daily doses week by week for four weeks? And I should be gtg back on after that?
You mention that you usually just "cruise", so how long has it been since you've been off completely ?[/
Not long. In the last four years I was off because of injuries for about 9 months.
9 months in the last 4 years because of I serious injuries where I totally crashed bad. I don't think I produce on my own at all anymore.
Yes those are daily doses, and after that your should be gtg on your own after that blood work would have to tell the whole story! But you still need more time off before your run another cycle
9 months in the last 4 years because of I serious injuries where I totally crashed bad. I don't think I produce on my own at all anymore.

If you have been totally shut down for awhile you may need more than a "typical" PCT protocol to get your boys back in working order. Search the forums for advice that has been given by Dr. Scally, he is an expert on the subject matter and I'm sure you can find a lot of info in these forums on the implications of your situation and a possible "reboot".