Can anyone tell me what my blood work means? Low ferritin high RBC

Thanks man. I'll do that. I have two weeks left in my cycle. Should I continue or drop it all together? Could I stay on the 25 mg var and just drop my test back to trt dose or just come off everything?

Two weeks? Nah, I wouldn't quit anything. Just add salt, water and iron ...

Your TT is low for 300 mg's. 1100 ngdl, ... Should be more around 2500 ngdl.
That's not my blood work that one
Apologies to you my friend on “hijacking” your thread I thought maybe since we had relatively the same concern then others could weigh in on my bloods as well … no harm intended but apologies nonetheless

I guess the guy who accused me of hijacking is just embarrassed that he read the wrong post and couldn’t differentiate between the 2 sets. Either way my bad man
Apologies to you my friend on “hijacking” your thread I thought maybe since we had relatively the same concern then others could weigh in on my bloods as well … no harm intended but apologies nonetheless

I guess the guy who accused me of hijacking is just embarrassed that he read the wrong post and couldn’t differentiate between the 2 sets. Either way my bad man
No worries man. Feel free to post your stuff here as well seems like a pretty common issue.