Can HGH cause gyno if I have high e2?


New Member
My e2 is between 500 and 700 pmol/dL, depending if I'm only on testosterone or testosterone and dianabol.

Do I need to keep e2 within reference range to avoid gyno due to HGH or the e2 level doesn't matter?

I heard HGH can cause gyno despite the fact it doesn't aromatize.
My e2 is between 500 and 700 pmol/dL, depending if I'm only on testosterone or testosterone and dianabol.

Do I need to keep e2 within reference range to avoid gyno due to HGH or the e2 level doesn't matter?

I heard HGH can cause gyno despite the fact it doesn't aromatize.

Many factors influence gyno. If you get it and want to end it, prepare for surgery. Full tissue removal and never worry about it again. Or tango with AIs SERMs etc forever.
My e2 level doesn’t matter much (when it’s in a decent range). My left nipple flares up anytime i’m on gh. It goes away once the gh goes out or lowers significantly.
Many factors influence gyno. If you get it and want to end it, prepare for surgery. Full tissue removal and never worry about it again. Or tango with AIs SERMs etc forever.
I prefer titrating to see the highest tolerable doses that don't require additional medicines for managing side effects. I'm not gonna use AIs, because they can crash the e2 level and increase the cholesterol even more. I already use oral steroids, so AIs may not be preferred.
I prefer titrating to see the highest tolerable doses that don't require additional medicines for managing side effects. I'm not gonna use AIs, because they can crash the e2 level and increase the cholesterol even more. I already use oral steroids, so AIs may not be preferred.
Bro you really have obtained a large amount of misinformation and have much misunderstanding
It’s time to step back and do some learning without using the misinformation you have already acquired as a base
Please don’t ask me what exactly im
referring to. I dont feel like explaining everything but it’s peppered through most of your posts and questions even
Start over with the learning and obtain your information from reputable sources
Bro you really have obtained a large amount of misinformation and have much misunderstanding
It’s time to step back and do some learning without using the misinformation you have already acquired as a base
Please don’t ask me what exactly im
referring to. I dont feel like explaining everything but it’s peppered through most of your posts and questions even
Start over with the learning and obtain your information from reputable sources
I have already done my research.
I have already done my research.
Let’s start with just one
You said “AI’s can crash the E2 level”
This is dose dependent
AI’s are only taken as needed and in the correct amount to keep E2 in check. This is combined with bloodwork.
When used as the are intended they absolutely do NOT “crash the E2 level”
Let’s start with just one
You said “AI’s can crash the E2 level”
This is dose dependent
AI’s are only taken as needed and in the correct amount to keep E2 in check. This is combined with bloodwork.
When used as the are intended they absolutely do NOT “crash the E2 level”
Correct. But AIs don't need to be taken if no e2 side effects are present, even if e2 is beyond reference range. For example, in my case, e2 is 500-600 pmol/L, which is significantly above the reference range, yet no e2 side effects appear at all, not even slight water retention. In such case, there is no need to use AIs.
Correct. But AIs don't need to be taken if no e2 side effects are present, even if e2 is beyond reference range. For example, in my case, e2 is 500-600 pmol/L, which is significantly above the reference range, yet no e2 side effects appear at all, not even slight water retention. In such case, there is no need to use AIs.
Again incorrect
There are some negative effects from E2 being way out of range that are not related to side effects that you can feel

Sorry if I’m coming off like a dick. I’ll reign in it and just be helpful
My apologies
Again incorrect
There are some negative effects from E2 being way out of range that are not related to side effects that you can feel

Sorry if I’m coming off like a dick. I’ll reign in it and just be helpful
My apologies
Really? What are the side effects?
Really? What are the side effects?
Here are a few negatives to running Estrogen high out of range that can not be felt as side effects:
-Increases your risk of autoimmune disease by multiple times
-Increases your chance of prostate cancer
-Can have negative effects on your thyroid
-Causes you to hold more fat in thighs, hips, glutes
There are more. Do some research
If you're gonna hold more fat, those are the healthiest and least unsightly places to do it.

Kinda crass but anywhere other than a fat belly tbh (subQ or visceral)
Not really
You start turning into a woman lol
The problem isn’t that you just hold the fat you have there. The problem is it causes you to hold fat in those places and you would not be holding that fat if your estrogen was in range or somewhat in range
Not really
You start turning into a woman lol
The problem isn’t that you just hold the fat you have there. The problem is it causes you to hold fat in those places and you would not be holding that fat if your estrogen was in range or somewhat in range

So the fat would be somewhere else or is this one of those situations that defies CICO.
Here are a few negatives to running Estrogen high out of range that can not be felt as side effects:
-Increases your risk of autoimmune disease by multiple times
-Increases your chance of prostate cancer
-Can have negative effects on your thyroid
-Causes you to hold more fat in thighs, hips, glutes
There are more. Do some research
All great points. People are so worried about “crashing their E, bro“ that they just ignore all the negatives that people wanted to avoid with high estrogen in the first place.
A huge negative of high estrogen, especially is the enhanced propensity for clotting….. if your estrogen is 10 times the upper limit, you better hope you have some type of genetic disorder that prevents you from clotting, and hope you don’t have something like I do, factor V Leiden which predisposes you to blood clotting…
All great points. People are so worried about “crashing their E, bro“ that they just ignore all the negatives that people wanted to avoid with high estrogen in the first place.
A huge negative of high estrogen, especially is the enhanced propensity for clotting….. if your estrogen is 10 times the upper limit, you better hope you have some type of genetic disorder that prevents you from clotting, and hope you don’t have something like I do, factor V Leiden which predisposes you to blood clotting…
To add to this, recently the belief is that letting estrogen run high, if no side effects are felt, is not only okay but believed to be beneficial.
New studies have debunked this belief very recently. They show that estrogen, although beneficial in multiple way while in range, does not follow the more is better practice that many bodybuilders adopt.
High out of range estrogen has actually been found to be carcinogenic and harmful in many ways
What is ideal is estrogen in range
This can be obtained by either proper use of AI’s or DHT derived AAS
All great points. People are so worried about “crashing their E, bro“ that they just ignore all the negatives that people wanted to avoid with high estrogen in the first place.
A huge negative of high estrogen, especially is the enhanced propensity for clotting….. if your estrogen is 10 times the upper limit, you better hope you have some type of genetic disorder that prevents you from clotting, and hope you don’t have something like I do, factor V Leiden which predisposes you to blood clotting…
My e2 is around 500-600 pmol/L, and the reference range limit is 160 pmol/L.