Can HGH cause gyno if I have high e2?

My e2 level doesn’t matter much (when it’s in a decent range). My left nipple flares up anytime i’m on gh. It goes away once the gh goes out or lowers significantly.
This is actually something I've had to learn over time. I always thought it was other compounds but when I stop gh the problems I had minimize significantly. I am still not wanting gyno and will take precautions though.

I absolutely hate my gh bloat but it's probably diet.... what can I say
Coming from the old school, it's weird to read this. Estrogen was demonized for so long in bodybuilding communities.
Yes your taking it out of context is why.
Might be the way I’m explaining it.
Bodybuilders and most people in general do have the inherent proclivity to think that when something has many benefits then more will have additional benefits. It’s human nature.
While estrogen was believed to be not beneficial for bodybuilding for so long. Now it has been proven to have many benefits and hence there is a large number of people that believe it’s okay to let estrogen run high if no side effects are present. Because estrogen is beneficial.
Very recently it has been found that estrogen high out of range can actually be harmful instead of beneficial. It can be carcinogenic and have many negative health implications
The current best recommended practice is to keep estrogen relatively in range because both high estrogen and low estrogen have negative health consequences.

Is that better? LoL