Can I get some guidance on addressing my horribly out of whack reproductive hormones?

Best thing to do in my opinion / experience is go back to a TRT dose of test after you finish the tren where you had good libido (If you know this dosage). If not then titrate from 100mg/week up while testing E2 etc to find what your feel good level is.
I mentioned somewhere in these threads that I was taking only 100mg per week of testosterone while gyms were shut down. I did this for nearly nine months and there was no improvement in my libido or sexual functioning. I wish I had done blood work back then to check all of my hormones.

Hopefully I'll figure this out at some point.
I mentioned somewhere in these threads that I was taking only 100mg per week of testosterone while gyms were shut down. I did this for nearly nine months and there was no improvement in my libido or sexual functioning. I wish I had done blood work back then to check all of my hormones.

Hopefully I'll figure this out at some point.

Ive been chasing similar issues for the last few years, when I used to have none for many many years before. I have ultra low SHBG as well, mines typically 4-6. I have never heard this is bad, infact most dr's told me this was good and you wanted it low. People try to lower it with winny or proviron. Let me know how it goes, I am working on the same issues, I feel like the sweet spot is just ever so small, i get it from time to time then it vanishes.