Can I stop hair loss from a Testosterone propionate and Trenbolone acetate cycle if I take something?


New Member
First of all I want to say that I don't have the male pattern baldness gene. I have very thick hair... Anyway this wont be my first steroid cycle. I have taken steroids 2-3 times(2-3 cycles) in the past 4 years. My cycles consisted of HGH + Winstrol, Anavar and my last one was Anavar + Winstrol. So a few moths ago I shaved my whole hair off and I noticed that I had in fact lost some hair on the sides.... Its only noticeable when my hair is very short. So I lost a very small amount of hair and I don't want it to get worse. So what can I take to prevent this? I need to take DHT inhibitors so I can stop the hair loss right? So can I take DHT inhibitors like finasteride or dutasteride to counter the DHT release from these two steroids? With which steroids do the DHT inhibitors work best? Is it guaranteed that trenbolone will cause some balding?
Does shedding lead to permanant hairloss? Or does it just shed for a bit and then come back
If you don't cycle that much just use nizoral and microneedle. But if you plan to keep juicing and possible TRT I'd say fina is a must but you would have to stop it for certain compounds.
If you’re prone to losing the hair, steer clear of the DHT derived gear. That’s the only answer here. Or, just shave your head. I’m biased as I’ve been shaving my head on and off for my whole life so hair means nothing to me.

Try saw palmetto before Finasteride anyway. Someone wrote a great piece here about hair loss and they compared Finasteride and dutasteride and shit. I think it’s a sticky post.