Can these floaters or pieces of stopper get you sick

You’ve probably injected so many micro particles of that rubber into your body that it will make you sicker than those stoppers will.
If you are going to use QSC oils I would draw them out of the cheap vials then filter them into better vials. Decent 10, 20, and 30 ml vials are cheap and the stoppers are quality. Personally I would always filter QSC oil.
My fever broke on Friday I’ve been getting better the past few days. I bought syringe filters and sterile sealed vials to switch it to
Better off buying a new garbage can for that crap and getting your gear from a quality lab.

I could never imagine myself thinking "After my fever breaks I'll inject myself with this stuff again after I sieve some of the garbage out of it.".
Better off buying a new garbage can for that crap and getting your gear from a quality lab.

I could never imagine myself thinking "After my fever breaks I'll inject myself with this stuff again after I sieve some of the garbage out of it.".
Yeah so much this. If I need to refilter the gear a 2nd or 3rd time, then it deserves to go in the garbage, especially If it already caused an infection.

Just not worth the risk
Dude, take it from someone who's missing part of their left hand, had a right hip arthroplasty, a temporary pacemaker, a spinal debridement, and a partial right triceps removals from a systemic MRSA infection:
This is why I brew in my own bathtub at least I can control how much crap I can inject in my body, or at least know whose gross pubic hair is in there lmao. Joking aside, more than a decade and not one infection or even swelling with my homebrews and I’ve even synthesized tren from pellets.

But seriously, if they couldn’t even buy better stoppers or filters, imagine how much corners they cut to bring you those cheap gear. QSC has to save money somewhere to be able sell you those kits at that price.

But then again, I’ve seen ugl vials with better quality vials/stoppers and professional labels compared to my prescription test vials from compounding pharmacy.

So yeah, thrash it if you don’t want to refilter, buy from a better source next time.
Tracy said the stoppers they use are staying so I’m now using with generic Asia and those stopper aren’t from wish. Much better tracy was sayin that it would never make it in a needle
Injecting stopper particles can cause septic arthritis.

Long story short, experiments have shown that stopper particles injected are surrounded by specific types of inflammatory cells, as the bodies defensive response. These cells can travel through the bloodstream and slowly collect in joints, gradually causing arthritis that causes pain and ultimately the destruction of the joint.

Obviously the more injected particles, the greater the risk and the worse the problem ultimately becomes. It's so insidious and slow you won't even know you have a problem until years down the road and just chalk it up to aging.

This is one of those things that 50 years from now will make us look like complete idiots to future generations that will know better and completely avoid the problem.
Injecting stopper particles can cause septic arthritis.

Long story short, experiments have shown that stopper particles injected are surrounded by specific types of inflammatory cells, as the bodies defensive response. These cells can travel through the bloodstream and slowly collect in joints, gradually causing arthritis that causes pain and ultimately the destruction of the joint.

Obviously the more injected particles, the greater the risk and the worse the problem ultimately becomes. It's so insidious and slow you won't even know you have a problem until years down the road and just chalk it up to aging.

This is one of those things that 50 years from now will make us look like complete idiots to future generations that will know better and completely avoid the problem.
Yeah I'm not sure where this theory came from that it's okay to inject particles of stopper or even filter media lol. If you use 29 gauge slin pins on the QSC stopper they won't core tiny slugs from the shitty stoppers he uses. The BA (assuming they actually don't skimp here) should take care of biologics. Refiltering can be a pita since most people are using those gay little syringe filters. Shit takes all fucking day to filter maybe 100ml's
This looks like cheap insurance for $3.

You never stick a needle into the vial.

As you draw liquid it's filtered to 5um.

Air is filtered and allowed into the vial to equalize pressure as you draw, so contaminants can't be sucked into the negatively pressured vial.

This looks like cheap insurance for $3.

You never stick a needle into the vial.

As you draw liquid it's filtered to 5um.

Air is filtered and allowed into the vial to equalize pressure as you draw, so contaminants can't be sucked into the negatively pressured vial.

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I was literally able to suck up pieces of the stopper. So what happens when your down to your last ml.
I was literally able to suck up pieces of the stopper. So what happens when your down to your last ml.

I'm not following you. What do you mean you were able to suck up pieces of vial? I'm talking about a filter that's built into the spike which will prevent you from drawing it into the syringe.