Can too much test kill libido?


New Member
Hi guys

Recently upped my dose from 500mg to 700mg of test prop per week. I had raging libido on the 375-500 but when I've gone up to 700, definitely seems almost non existent. My e2 is slightly above reference range but it's always been a little high even on 200mg a week. Could the 700 be putting me too much into a sympathetic state that I'm too wired to feel anything? I also have been struggling to sleep.
Totally agree me when I started to try testo for example 250 a week I had hard erections and all the time, libido through the roof my wife very happy and I fell in love again at 40 years old I was eating up the stones but after a few months and with 500 a week I was thatthe estrogens gradually did their work and took away my libido and erecc also were no longer as before but what I have tried with testo I will never ever feel ✌.
Hi guys

Recently upped my dose from 500mg to 700mg of test prop per week. I had raging libido on the 375-500 but when I've gone up to 700, definitely seems almost non existent. My e2 is slightly above reference range but it's always been a little high even on 200mg a week. Could the 700 be putting me too much into a sympathetic state that I'm too wired to feel anything? I also have been struggling to sleep.
Remember that often it is the _change_ in doses that causes psychological and physiological symptoms. In particular sex drive and skin disorders.

Let the dose balance for 4-6 weeks

This is why so many people start Blasts again too soon and get caught in endless meddling loops with their compounds and doses
Remember that often it is the _change_ in doses that causes psychological and physiological symptoms. In particular sex drive and skin disorders.

Let the dose balance for 4-6 weeks

This is why so many people start Blasts again too soon and get caught in endless meddling loops with their compounds and doses
10/10 advice.

Also bloodwork is dirt cheap. If you can afford hundreds of dollars for gear, there's no reason to not spend ~$100 on a basic panel to show if your E2, etc, etc, is fucked and need to introduce something or take something away.
Of course, people need to learn that more is not better, or course less than optimal is sometimes just not effective...

That's where you gotta find that sweet spot, I can tell you mine it is 300+ up to 600mg/week. I feel awesome on TRT amounts too, but this is where it's amplified. Not always a good thing though.

As always you gotta experiment and get to know your body well. It takes time and effort.

P.S. agree so much with above advice given by men.
Do you all need an AI at 500mg test per week?

In the Bhasin studies, they used 600mg for 20 weeks and no issues with libido or erections have been reported. How is this possible? And no AI!
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