Can touching a barbell in the gym get you sick with the coronavirus?


Imagine you just lived through a brutal winter storm that cut your home’s electricity and safe drinking water for days. Imagine your state’s leader is nowhere to be found, except on Fox News blaming the disaster on wind turbines and the Green New Deal.

Then imagine that same leader arrogantly ignores the CDC and President Biden to end the mask mandate and proudly open “everything,” even though COVID-19 numbers are ticking up again and only one out of eight Texas residents have gotten even the first dose of vaccine.

Cue the spotlight for this week’s Person of the Week, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who also helped secure this week’s Word of the Week: Sociopathy.
Newsom's careless, shameless move will literally kill people . . .

LOL! Won't see it, because Newsom is a Democrat.

You folks who live for political parties and see everything through your biased little lens crack me up. I just could not live in such a delusional mental fantasyland.
As if "people" is the plural of persons. You would think English is required to be a print journalist. After all, they write for a living. Apparently the only requirement is a hard left bias.
If the new strain in Brazil is capable of reinfecting persons (not people, not peeps) who have been previously infected with a different strain, then the new strain should also infect persons who have been vaccinated against the older strain.

Is my logic missing something?
This whole thing is ridiculous. People wearing masks in their cars is idiotic yet it’s a law in some counties. Wearing a mask in the gym is even more ridiculous but I do it because it’s the rules. People are constantly touching their faces and masks and then obviously touching weights, bars, etc. I’m not minimizing the danger of the virus but be masks just don’t work. I know people who have now gotten the virus for a second time here in NYC - these people all wore their masks everywhere but in their own home. They were obsessed with their masks. A bunch at my job all got it. Never took mask off. Only 1 guy didn’t get it and he’s 70 years old and never wore a mask. Sometimes you need to apply common sense.
So why isn't everyone flipping the fuck out over the yearly number of deaths via simple flu in the U.S. ?

Bottom line is, use common sense during seasons where flu strains are dominant.

Wash your fucking hands frequently, use hand sanitizer, don't pick your nose, keep your hands away from your face, etc , etc

Contrary to popular media belief ... the sky is not falling

Also, Epstein didn't kill himself for all the clueless out there:rolleyes:
These masks are weakening the immune system and causing more bacterial issues on people’s mouths and faces.
These masks are weakening the immune system and causing more bacterial issues on people’s mouths and faces.
China had people wearing masks all the time. Way before covid ever happened.

have you seen any data on it weakening the immune system?
China had people wearing masks all the time. Way before covid ever happened.

have you seen any data on it weakening the immune system?
They have been studying the efficacy of masks for over 100 years. Find me one study that shows they are effective. They were worn during the Spanish flu and later studies showed they were ineffective. At the beginning of Covid they told us not to wear them as they were not effective and that the only masks that worked were the N95 and they didn’t want a shortage for emergency workers. Now all of a sudden a face covering became mandated, 100 years of science and now it’s ScIEncE. I don’t care what Communist China does- the masks are useless. They are now littered all over the place in parking lots and in the streets and in common trash bins. That’s more a biohazard risk for trying to block a virus with a piece of cloth. Washing your hands is the absolute most important thing you can do to prevent spread and wearing a mask only negates that because you end up touching your face far more than when you don’t wear a mask- and forget about kids.