So say I do Tren, test and GH (Black tops?) (I don't really want to do Slin), should I post some before and after pictures? lol
Once again, even with real GH good chance you will be disappointed. I think the word Growth hormone gives people a false sense of hope. Also they see the size of today’s bodybuilders and think wow if I took GH I would be massive too.
I’m not saying don’t do GH but it’s a serious investment. Buying 1 or two kits isn’t going to change you. Run it for a year that’s a different story. This is a significant investment though. Also IMO to extract the most benefit from this compound it needs to be taken with insulin even at a low dose. Put it this way
Say you were to take a cycle. You just did let’s say Anavar. Sure you would get some results. But had you mixed it with Test, and primo...your diet and training was right it would be a whole different result.
Same with GH.
What is your goal with GH? For me when I take it, it’s all about cell splitting and creating new growth. If you want to putz around with 2-3 iu for anti aging purposes at your age ...well I guess go ahead but that’s a pretty expensive addition for very very moderate changes.
If you haven’t even tried tren at this point try it first. What if it causes too many side effects and you hate it? Then you are gonna need to dramatically up the dose of test to squeeze every drop from your GH
My advice is try running tren, see how you do. Try another cycle with 1 plus grams of test. When you know you can handle stuff like this then consider Gh
For GH to be maximized you need:
High dose androgens (tren or Test ideally)
High quality GH
Also, blacktops are very good. But they are still a generic. Plus how they have been handled or stored is another concern. They are still not as good as pharma. I’ve spent more money on GH and testing than I care to admit. If I was to do it over again I would have put that money into a rental home or some other investment and been much farther ahead in life and probably still had a similar physique