Cant remember if i added BA


Well-known Member
I think it's possible I may have forgotten to add BA to my latest brew. I may have, I may haven't. I honestly cannot remember

What would you do in this situation
I think it's possible I may have forgotten to add BA to my latest brew. I may have, I may haven't. I honestly cannot remember

What would you do in this situation
How can you be unsure of the most basic compound to keep your homebrew safe?

I would rethink of methods so this would not happen again. Like the other poster said adding at least 1% BA minimum to save it.

Anyway, do what you have to do to avoid such simple mistakes either by making a step by step printout or reminders whenever you’re brewing.
Stay sober guys.

I would add 1% BA
I don't drink

How can you be unsure of the most basic compound to keep your homebrew safe?

I would rethink of methods so this would not happen again. Like the other poster said adding at least 1% BA minimum to save it.

Anyway, do what you have to do to avoid such simple mistakes either by making a step by step printout or reminders whenever you’re brewing.
Because I add it very last. I think it's easy to overlook considering you wait and wait for your raws to dissolve then add it.
I don't drink

Because I add it very last. I think it's easy to overlook considering you wait and wait for your raws to dissolve then add it.
You shouldn’t be forgetting such step though, all I’m saying is take a measure to ensure you don’t. It is your main protection against bacterial growth. You can also add BA first, it doesn’t make a big difference.
You shouldn’t be forgetting such step though, all I’m saying is take a measure to ensure you don’t. It is your main protection against bacterial growth. You can also add BA first, it doesn’t make a big difference.
I'll write it down. But adding it first will cause most to evaporate, I got an gcms test from janoshik last year that kinda proved that to myself. BA evaporates at room temperature so using any heat brewing, more than half was gone by the time it was tested by gcms
I'll write it down. But adding it first will cause most to evaporate, I got an gcms test from janoshik last year that kinda proved that to myself. BA evaporates at room temperature so using any heat brewing, more than half was gone by the time it was tested by gcms
I can’t argue with your method if you actually had it tested. Maybe, I will adding BA at the end on my next brew.

But yeah, set an alarm or reminder on your phone when brewing so you won’t forget adding BA.
You shouldn’t be forgetting such step though, all I’m saying is take a measure to ensure you don’t. It is your main protection against bacterial growth. You can also add BA first, it doesn’t make a big difference.
stop giving him shit for being human and forgetting something. jeez aint u just perfect
Look, these are illegal drugs being self-prescribed and self-manufactured. If one does not have enough basic knowledge to address a possible situation like this, in a pure harm reduction framework, it would likely be best to not continue to self-manufacture AAS until a greater knowledge base is achieved. We are not talking a Bettie Crocker pancake recipe where we may have forgotten the salt, we are talking about something that will be injected and could potentially kill.

If you would like to PM me, I would be more that willing to share with any documentation/information/resources I have collected. Knowledge is power and the more knowledge we can acquire, the safer we can be.
could you elaborate?
He doesn't really have anything to elaborate on, he's just miss informed. A simple 6 second Google search will show BA evaporates at 68F. That's room temperature, and if you are brewing with heat you aren't doing it at less than 68F. Simply common sense.

I'm sure more experienced brewers will say the same. You can SMELL the alcohol the minute you add it to a warm brew. Given you aren't covering the beaker.
Many liquids will evaporate at room temperature. Benzyl alcohol has an evaporative rating of 1.8 BU-AC, which is not considered to be a high evaporative rate. The fact that something does evaporate does not necessarily mean it evaporates so quickly that it will impact the AAS manufacturing process.

You can reference compounding textbooks and other technical resources to see your logic is attempting to understand the concept, but it not quite there yet. This is reinforced by your post history.

I am a firm believer in referencing established technical resources and then using experimentation to confirm.

I will not waste any additional time discussing this subject with you, in your thread where did not understand the basic concepts of how BA works, but I will collect resource documentation and submit it in a new thread at some time in the future.

I respect what people experience through their real life experiences, but I will always defer to established science.

BTW you can smell your shit every time you take a crap, but it does not mean it will evaporate before you can finish wiping your ass.

Have a great day!
Many liquids will evaporate at room temperature. Benzyl alcohol has an evaporative rating of 1.8 BU-AC, which is not considered to be a high evaporative rate. The fact that something does evaporate does not necessarily mean it evaporates so quickly that it will impact the AAS manufacturing process.

You can reference compounding textbooks and other technical resources to see your logic is attempting to understand the concept, but it not quite there yet. This is reinforced by your post history.

I am a firm believer in referencing established technical resources and then using experimentation to confirm.

I will not waste any additional time discussing this subject with you, in your thread where did not understand the basic concepts of how BA works, but I will collect resource documentation and submit it in a new thread at some time in the future.

I respect what people experience through their real life experiences, but I will always defer to established science.

BTW you can smell your shit every time you take a crap, but it does not mean it will evaporate before you can finish wiping your ass.

Have a great day!
You not grasping the fact a nearly pure form of alcohol evaporates with heat just demonstrates how dull you actually are. There are many scientific articles from reputable sources showing it evaporates at room temperature. I can better explain this very basic concept to my dog.

If I add vodka to pasta sauce guess what happens?

BA has a normal BP of 401 deg F and a vapor pressure of 0.1 mmHG at 68 F. 1 atm is 760 mmHg. The vast majority of BA isn't going anywhere at that temperature unless you are brewing in a vacuum for some reason.

TLDR: at the concentrations added BA is practically non-volatile over applicable brewing Temps.
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I got an gcms test from janoshik last year that kinda proved that to myself

What did that report indicate to prove to yourself that BA had evaporated.

My recollection is that assay is qualitative only. Did the test indicate there was no pickup of BA?

I just sent a sample to janoshik for gcms. Easy solution.

What temp are you brewing at? I'll be following to see the result from this testing. Thank you for submitting. At 1 or 2% BA there simply isn't any vapor pressure generated at 100 deg C or even 150 deg C so there is no driving force for the BA to evaporate. An accurate quantitative GCMS assay will indicate all your BA is in solution (within accuracy of assay).

What you are picking up is the very slight amount of BA transferred to headspace. Some references put the odor threshold of BA in the single ppm range.
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I have wondered if guys actually log their batches? I made a template and had log books spriral bound at copy shop.
Crazy to not do so.
Of course, it IS creating evidence for a future bust.
Unless you do it in a country that doesn’t care.