Cant remember if i added BA

Add 1%
Reevaluate your process to make sure such things don't happen again.
I write down my amounts and have them in view.
Double check amounts before and after measuring.Before adding them to the brew.
I just bought a white board so I can check each thing off without keeping physical papers written about brewing
You not grasping the fact a nearly pure form of alcohol evaporates with heat just demonstrates how dull you actually are. There are many scientific articles from reputable sources showing it evaporates at room temperature. I can better explain this very basic concept to my dog.

If I add vodka to pasta sauce guess what happens?
Funny how you suddenly got quiet. You must be working on your new pasta sauce cookbook! At least with that hobby you won’t hurt yourself….
heavy metal testing again….

Come on now. You know the scope isn't just heavy metals.

The cat smelled the vodka pasta sauce evaporating and got curious…..

Your prior analogy was crude but not off the mark.
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