Castor oil allergy or intolerance


New Member
I'm using 250 mg of testoviron purchased at the pharmacy and all my first ten injections gave me small pip that resolved by itself in 1-2 days.
Now, last week I had my injection in my right gluteus and it caused me a very high pip, red skin, lump and pain for at least 5 days.
Then, I had another injection two days ago in my left gluteus, I had no pain during the injection, I tried to massage the area soon after the injection and I injected the testo very slowly, however, today it seems it is happening the same thing since I have a painful red area around the injection site and I'm pretty sure it is going to have a lump in few hours.

Surely, I cannot go on this way, since I can't workout or do easy things like seating or driving a car without having pain. I also need to sleep on my side during the night.

I alternate the right and left gluteus so each area has two weeks to heal.
I use 23Gx1" and inject it slowly. I've bought also a heater to warm up the vial before the injection.

This is strange since all the first 10 injections gave me no red skin or lumps.

I'm thinking about some kind of intolerance or allergy to castor oil developed after the first injections?
I even do not know if it is safe to inject in my right gluteus next week even if I have no pain at the moment.
Castor oil as the carrier? Never heard of it for that purpose. I use Black Jamaican castor oil for eyebrow growth, (lost a lot for heavy metal poisoning 10 years ago)
Castor oil as the carrier? Never heard of it for that purpose. I use Black Jamaican castor oil for eyebrow growth, (lost a lot for heavy metal poisoning 10 years ago)
As specified in the leaflet of the Testoviron (made by Bayer), it contains castor oil as carrier. This is the only official Testosterone E that you can buy in EU from real pharmacy if you have a medical prescription (as I have).
As specified in the leaflet of the Testoviron (made by Bayer), it contains castor oil as carrier. This is the only official Testosterone E that you can buy in EU from real pharmacy if you have a medical prescription (as I have).
Learn something everyday. I'll stick with MCT oil.