CDP Choline?

Iron Giant

New Member
In addition to muscle enhancement, I also occasionally read up on nootropics from time to time. I recently came across this white paper, "CDP-choline increases plasma ACTH and potentiates the stimulated release of GH, TSH and LH: the cholinergic involvement"
CDP-choline increases plasma ACTH and potentiates the stimulated release of GH, TSH and LH: the cholinergic involvement. - PubMed - NCBI
In stimulated conditions, i.c.v. administration of CDP-choline (1 micromol, i.c.v.) produced an increase in clonidine-stimulated GH, thyrotyropin-releasing hormone (TRH)-stimulated TSH, LH-releasing hormone (LHRH)-stimulated LH, but not FSH levels.
Outside of the GH effect, the luteinizing hormone effect in particular caught my eye, particularly because it sounds as though it's done through stimulation of LHRH (aka GnRH). So, while we have HCG (which increases HPTA suppression) , this sounds as though it might kick start it instead.

CDP Choline sold as a nootropic legally online and is relatively easy to find. I'm not going to pretend that I'm any sort of endocrinologist or chemist, so I welcome some of the other, more informed members here to critique my thought process on this. I couldn't find any related material online about CDP Choline being used to this extent, so I could be completely off-base on this one.
Another OTC supplement that is likely an absolute waste of money esp as an anabolic agent.