Changland Technology Co., Ltd. (International, US domestic)

Exactly, no vendor here have tested good on all their products, qsc had to pull out some products that have been tainted and so did Sigma who’s oils tested way underdosed or variance have been too far apart.

What the community needs to see is transparency, so we can adjust on our dosage as response to the test so we don’t put ourselves in danger.

We had come so far in regards to safety that we should never tolerate this blatant attitude of disregard to the most basic prerequisite in being a steroid vendor.
Completely agree. I'm not here to harass this vendor for my own enjoyment, although seeing Chris get pissed off is entertaining. Millard has said over and over and over again it is up to the members to hold vendors to a high standard. The guy who runs this forum promotes exactly what we are doing here. Chris is so stubborn and thinks he's above everything that he gets to do what he wants. Then he whines and says to ignore the haters and oh they are just trolls yada yada. Leave me alone! No, we are not trolls and we Will not stop until you meet our standards. We are actually promoting harm reduction and carrying out the mission of Meso. Pressure and criticism of vendors must continue and the more people that do it the better. If nobody does it then everything goes to shit.

I honestly thought this thread was just going to die off. But as long as Chris keeps posting then we just pile in here and make the same demands so that the thread will just continuously look like the shit heap that it is.

You don't see me over in Sigma Audley demanding testing. That's because he has his own hplc thread and he's consistently adding more tests all the time. And what do you know. He's probably gaining customers by the day and his threads are pleasant.
He used to try to post his own Chinese hplc test but we gave him so much crap about it. He stopped. Those tests have been shown to be not reliable many many times. I'm sure Chinese vendors use those for their own purposes, but they are not useful to us consumers. They are incredibly easy to alter and manipulate because we don't know where they're coming from. We also have no idea how good the lab is. Too many variables.

Jano tests also have the nifty confirmation code that can verify their validity.

Scammers would have trouble getting around that and makes it much more difficult for the same test to be used more than once (for whatever purpose).

Are you :

  1. a source urself but using your Declan account to appear as a member ?
  2. An employee of the meso underground ?

If both of these questions have no as the answer, which I assume is the case, then I need to ask you , why do you give a fuck about which sources do or don’t get “advertising”. You are acting like you are missing out on profit with changland getting free advertisement for not testing as much as other sources spending money on testing

ain’t really trying to argue with you. It’s just that if u are a consumer why would you think of that in the first place.

Maybe that is what you and unclebuns are trying to get at ?

If a source is on meso and they don’t use janoshik as much as other sources then they shouldn’t get as much sales as the sources who use janoshik? But then that would make it seem like janoshik and meso are the same business/entity/person?

Because Sources doing their own testing don’t really mean much at all as we have seen plenty of times , correct ?

Its more or less, okay they paid for janoshik testing they are gtg, but what they sent in to janoshik and what they are actually selling is two totally different things.

Thats where member testing comes into play and is what holds sources accountable.

Except for when you have members like bigbowloftren who send it sugar pills and blame it as 0mg on a source they don’t like, that’s where member testing is not good.

Like I said the other day. Unless meso changes the rules to sources needing to spend a certain amount on testing in a certain time frame , then u guys are crying and getting urself worked up over stuff that shouldn’t really affect u, if ur just a member that is …

and please, don’t give me the harm reduction speech.

How is it considered harm reduction when a source sends in their own cherry picked sample and half the time has it written on the test what it is lol.

I ain’t know about you guys , but when you got members making up rumors about a source about sterility, sending in sugar pills and blaming it on a source, all cause they followed the directions , but didn’t follow the directions as much as other sources per se, that’s when u take a step back, and realize this place is a motherfucking dictatorship !

What you said is the result of deep thinking. People with independent thinking ability can understand it at a glance. You don't have to pay attention to what others say. Their purpose is too obvious. Apart from writing long articles and quoting some so-called authorities, they can only make nonsense.