Changland Technology Co., Ltd. (International, US domestic)

This old man is a drag, you can tell by the bullshit he says. He just writes a lot of bullshit to confuse people's judgment and pretends to be knowledgeable.
Pretends to be knowledgeable? How hard is it to see that you sell a lesser product? Better Chinese GH is available domestic and international at the same or cheaper price.

Cope harder Chris.

When do the next tests come out? One is a good start.
Pretends to be knowledgeable? How hard is it to see that you sell a lesser product? Better Chinese GH is available domestic and international at the same or cheaper price.

Cope harder Chris.

When do the next tests come out? One is a good start.
I don't have time to talk to you, poor guy who makes money by testing. Lol
Primobolan 10kg we can do $7700/kg

We not supply free samples

Who the hell needs 10kg of primo though? Espeacially when most of your products are untested. You're trying to promote products in the wrong market to the wrong consumers. Change your MOQ (minimum order quantity)

Yeah, no, I wasn't talking about free samples. I was saying I'd pay for a smaller amount (like 10 grams) to send for testing since it hasn't been tested yet, before considering buying a kilo.

It's no guarantee the kilo won't be bunk but it'd be better than nothing.
Did you get beaten today for not getting the testing order?
Curious why you think I make money off any of this? Do you think I work in testing or sales? I don't. It's cute that you're trying to discredit me, but you need to find a better angle. Who is it you think I work for?
chrispowders= old tracy?
How are the members here making money off testing? Does jano have an affiliate code or something?
They’re not, Chris is just flinging shit & lighting smokescreens to try & deflect legitimate criticisms. Eg he’s claimed several times that multiple members have tried to use the same Jano report to claim testing credit, but every time he’s been asked to provide evidence of this by myself & others, he ignores it.
Did you inform each other to come together?

Bullying is everywhere
What benefit do you provide anyone? Your prices are high, your testing sucks, and you are as proficient as a 7 year old in using Google translate to communicate. We will eternally do everything we can to keep customers away from you, until you get act together and actually provide something of benefit.