Chondromalacia/“cracked cartilage” NPP?


46 years old and been lived in for 33 years. TRT, HGH for ten years. Never had any issue in my life with all of the Olympic and powerlifting I’ve done. In the past few years every once in a while with no acute injury one or both of my knees will just blow up with swelling. There is not pain other than the swelling makes it hard to bend them. Then I have to back off or do no legs for a month or more just to calm them down. X-rays and MRIs show no damage to any of the ligaments and not even arthritis.

A sports medicine doctor just said it’s minor cracked Cartlidge and that happens when athletes get older, and sometimes perhaps it just flares up for some funky reason. So he said the best thing is to just back off when that happens unless I want him to drain my knees and then shoot them up with Cortisone. I can’t afford stem cell and PRP Is crazy expensive with feedback that’s 50/50 works or doesn’t work at all.

i’m hesitant to do deca even though I can get it legally through various TRT clinics, but the threads on libido issues scare me as well how long it takes to work and how long it stays in your system. The stories of nandrolone helping joint pain seem divided whether it’s folklore or legitimate. But if I could get my hands on some NPP I’m wondering if other people have had similar issues and found it helpful.

In the past I’ve done the BPC 157 and TB 500 for elbow and shoulder stuff but it gets harder to figure out who’s selling legitimate stuff, and the doctors and clinics that salad are charging outrageous prices.
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