Clen Headache and Tiredness


New Member
I just stated a cycle of clen, using 40 mcg a day currently. I am 6 foot 1 about 215 pounds. The first day on I did not notice any side effects. Day 2 and now Day 3, I feel sort of out of it in the head. A little light headed, some headache/ache behind the eyes, and I feel tired.

Can anyone tell me if this is normal?

I am drinking a ton of water, and I am hoping that these side effects will go away in a few days. I thought Clen would give me more energy but I feel a bit out of it and tired come afternoon time. I do feel more energy first thing in the morning when I wake and also take the pill.

You can do several things here, the obvious one stop taking clen. Your other options are increasing your potassium intake add a banana or 2 more to your diet. Take clen with an aspirin. Or take it at night.
Posted from my BlackBerry
What does 'a ton of water' mean? You should be drinking 1-1.5 gal a day.

Clen has never energized me like caffeine does.
Thank you for the replies. I am drinking about 1.5 gallons a day.

After 4 days I feel like I get much more tired midday on the clen? Is this normal.
U are takin a pretty low dose, try taking more halfway through the day or split up what u are taking now. And throw in some taurine and see if that helps with the headache. I've also never felt any energy boost
Posted from my Android device
clen sucks for energy. Always made me tired too. The reason you are tired in the afternoon is it has worn off already and you are crashing. 40mg is nothing BTW.
I started at 40 and went up to 120 no tired feeling or crashing I experienced the headaches but started using it at night, no sweats and it did not disturb my sleep even at 120 mcgs. I was drinking about the sane water as you are 1-2 gallons a day. Increase the bananas take them with aspirin switch to night time or stop I'm sticking with that and to the one that said 40 is nothing he is just starting its what his 4th day? More is not better and with clen you need to be careful and progress slowly I mean it can only mess up ur heart and kill you.
Posted from my BlackBerry
I started at 40 and went up to 120 no tired feeling or crashing I experienced the headaches but started using it at night, no sweats and it did not disturb my sleep even at 120 mcgs. I was drinking about the sane water as you are 1-2 gallons a day. Increase the bananas take them with aspirin switch to night time or stop I'm sticking with that and to the one that said 40 is nothing he is just starting its what his 4th day? More is not better and with clen you need to be careful and progress slowly I mean it can only mess up ur heart and kill you.
Posted from my BlackBerry

Aspirin will potentiate the effect of clenbuterol on the heart because it causes a release of norepinephrine.
Thanks for the info - Dfreak - I did up the bananas and yesterday I did not have any major headache, a lot of the tired feeling was gone also. Maybe my body is adjusting.

A few more questions:

1) I am about to up it to 60 or 80mcg, Do I stagger this throughout day or all at once?

2) When I come off the clen, will I have a crash in my overall energy level or mood?

People spread it out but I had them all at the same time. Suffered no sides like headaches sleep problems or anything like that and this was at 120 mcgs. When you come off you should not crash or anything as long as you resume drinking a lot of water and eating right. How are you doing this btw? 2 on 2 off 1 on 1 off or what?
Posted from my BlackBerry
I was running straight for 2 week, off for 2 weeks, then I was going to do on another week and then off? This is how I was told to take it. I have seen other posts though where people suggest 2 days on and then off. Your advice?
I like 2 on 2 off but you can go about it certain ways this is the most common. There's also 1 on 1 off 1 day on 1 day off 2 days on 2 off even 3 weeks on 3 weeks off is just a matter of what you like and see working.
Thanks for all the info Dfreak. I hope to be able to report some nice results in about 3 weeks.

DFreak is right. Do it at night if you need to. Clen does not really give you energy like most people think. It does raise body temp and help your metabolism. Anabolic Freak says it puts him to sleep after all these years still. I cycle down towards the end so your body doesn't see a shock of not having it just like anything else especially Clen and T3.
I also agree with DFreak on the on and off. 120 I think is more than I would use. Everyone is different and only you will know your results. I wouldn't go from 40 to 120 overnight. Just my .02.
you can use clenbuterol without making off cycle. just use ketotofien ( is the active ingradient of the medicine Zaditen you can find it at the clen downgrades b2 receptors after 2nd week, the ketotifen upgrades them so keeps the clen active for your body.) from the second week and take it every day as long as your cycle finish. Because it brings sleepiness, better choice is to take it the night before you go to bed. dosage is 2mg (5ml = 1mg)
I think max cycle duration is 6week. I did not find anyone to make the cycle longer.
You can do that, I see no point to it as the results will be basically the same as 4 or 6 weeks straight or 2 on 2 off 2 on 2 off(4 total weeks on) or adding another 2 on making a total of 6 weeks on. Clenbuterol can do some nasty things like damage the heart studies have found to enlarge the heart and do other altering affects. It works different for everyone just like any supplement steroid or drug find what works for you and stick to it.
You can do that, I see no point to it as the results will be basically the same as 4 or 6 weeks straight or 2 on 2 off 2 on 2 off(4 total weeks on) or adding another 2 on making a total of 6 weeks on. Clenbuterol can do some nasty things like damage the heart studies have found to enlarge the heart and do other altering affects. It works different for everyone just like any supplement steroid or drug find what works for you and stick to it.

I agree with you my friend. Listen i have emphysema which the most of people have (30%). its a little tiny hole in heart. if you have it when you born its ok , it is not dangerous. if you have it after an accident then its serious. So i was scared to take clen for this. I just tried and i did not have any side effects (i took sopharma clen's are very good) i go down for 15%bf to 10%.

Very effective results . The most important : GOOD-STRICT DIET :)

Have a nice day
Glad to see it worked for you and most of all you are alright. You touched the key point in clen and all supplements, and steroids diet is key! It doesn't matter if you are cutting bulking diet makes the difference.