Clenbuterol and Ketotifen


So do I run ketotifen with my clen or not? Not really getting any sides from the clen other than maybe sleep which is more likely from the tren because I was already having issues with that before starting clen. It will be hard to tell if the ketotifen is doing anything, or on the contrary decreasing the efficacy of the clen. Seems like the alternative is to just keep increasing the clen dose?
Most people take clen for 3 weeks without the K and increase the dosage until they're comfortable with the dosage. Personally I follow pharmacoms advice on their clenbuterol page and never go over 160 micrograms. Then add 1mg of the k 3 weeks into the clen.. from that point on I have taken it for up to 90 days with no bad side effects. These days I try not to push it 3 months and I do a lower dose but I have used that dose a couple times and lost 30 lb. However I'm not sensitive to stimulants at all. I usually start out taking two pills of clenbuterol for 3 days and then keep adding a pill every 3 days until I'm at my maximum dosage. Then just stay on that and add in the K after 3 weeks. You can take 2 mg of the k if you want. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. I know the k works cuz you continue to lose weight and you continue to get the handshakes. You can literally feel the sides come back in a few hours after you take the k. I'm not here to argue with anyone.. there are too many studies online that prove that it clears out your beta 2 receptors. Some doctors even recommend taking the K with the clenbuterol if you have asthma since it keeps working for longer and clears out the beta two receptors. Nowadays I'm not really sure if the blood pressure medicine makes the sides go away because I just trust that the clen is working and keep taking it . I always lose fat whether or not I have sides or not. I used to be the same way one time I didn't get sides and I was freaking out. I think sometimes you just don't get the sides. One time I even accused pharmacom
I've sended me old or bunk stuff but it turned out it was still good. I wasn't getting the sides and I swore up and down it was fake and I didn't get it tested but I went ahead and ran it and after 3 months I still lost weight.
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Once you start the K do you stay at the same dose of clen or decrease it?
You stay on the same dose or increase the dose you never lower the dose. I just never go over 160 micrograms but some people don't go over 140. If I was you I would go to pharmacoms page and click on clenbuterol and then read all the literature it's pretty much spot on. The sopharma of course works since it's pharma and I've had good luck with the pharmacom brand.
Most people take clen for 3 weeks without the K and increase the dosage until they're comfortable with the dosage. Personally I follow pharmacoms advice on their clenbuterol page and never go over 160 micrograms. Then add 1mg of the k 3 weeks into the clen.. from that point on I have taken it for up to 90 days with no bad side effects. These days I try not to push it 3 months and I do a lower dose but I have used that dose a couple times and lost 30 lb. However I'm not sensitive to stimulants at all. I usually start out taking two pills of clenbuterol for 3 days and then keep adding a pill every 3 days until I'm at my maximum dosage. Then just stay on that and add in the K after 3 weeks. You can take 2 mg of the k if you want. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. I know the k works cuz you continue to lose weight and you continue to get the handshakes. You can literally feel the sides come back in a few hours after you take the k. I'm not here to argue with anyone.. there are too many studies online that prove that it clears out your beta 2 receptors. Some doctors even recommend taking the K with the clenbuterol if you have asthma since it keeps working for longer and clears out the beta two receptors. Nowadays I'm not really sure if the blood pressure medicine makes the sides go away because I just trust that the clen is working and keep taking it . I always lose fat whether or not I have sides or not. I used to be the same way one time I didn't get sides and I was freaking out. I think sometimes you just don't get the sides. One time I even accused pharmacom
I've sended me old or bunk stuff but it turned out it was still good. I wasn't getting the sides and I swore up and down it was fake and I didn't get it tested but I went ahead and ran it and after 3 months I still lost weight.
Here’s the thing bro, I don’t even get the handshakes! I think it was @Inspired that mentioned that’s because of the telmisartan and Nebivolol. I really am having no issues with it other than sleep which I already had because of the tren and address this with trazodone (ER and IR) and melatonin. So I guess I am just blessed to handle it well, but it will be hard to perceive any effect from the K since I can’t really go off sides, but who knows maybe if I continue to increase the dose I’ll get some shakes. I am one week in and taking 4 of the Sopharma per day, and I currently weigh about 83.5kg. Should I not go any higher than 80mcgs?
Nebivolol is a beta blocker and it's a performance enhancer. You know why beta blockers are banned in competition? Because they keep you cool as ice under pressure. Archery? Shooting guns? Throwing a baseball pitch? Anything that requires steady hands a beta blocker will help. And that's why you have no shakes my friend.

Regarding the ketotifen, you could take it every night if you wanted too. People with allergies take 1mg twice or day. I take 3mg a night often. So, have no fear when it comes to ketotifen.
Nebivolol is a beta blocker and it's a performance enhancer. You know why beta blockers are banned in competition? Because they keep you cool as ice under pressure. Archery? Shooting guns? Throwing a baseball pitch? Anything that requires steady hands a beta blocker will help. And that's why you have no shakes my friend.

Regarding the ketotifen, you could take it every night if you wanted too. People with allergies take 1mg twice or day. I take 3mg a night often. So, have no fear when it comes to ketotifen.

It also works as a minor sleep aid I’m assuming?
On a side note my bros, I am fucking RIPPING through calories now. It’s gotta be the clen, the amount of food I put down yesterday was disgusting, and I still woke up the SAME weight and I appear to be recomping like crazy. Granted I get like 18k steps per day plus cardio so I’m pretty much always moving, but still. Crazy!
On a side note my bros, I am fucking RIPPING through calories now. It’s gotta be the clen, the amount of food I put down yesterday was disgusting, and I still woke up the SAME weight and I appear to be recomping like crazy. Granted I get like 18k steps per day plus cardio so I’m pretty much always moving, but still. Crazy!
Keep your protein up and you can add a few pounds of muscle from clen alone.
Keep your protein up and you can add a few pounds of muscle from clen alone.

I only have like 8 more pounds to lose to make weight for my division, so maybe I’ll just let it come off really slow! I was expecting to weigh much more when I stepped on the scale this morning, fucking astounded that I didn’t!
Ketotifen? Yes, it does. I am used to it by now, so it doesn't make me very tired but I think I sleep better when I take it. I think it synergizes well with clenbuterol because it will help you step better.

I guess I was just worried because in @Type-IIx posts about it he seemed to suggest it would decrease the efficacy of clen, but I see that later on he observes that that may not be the case. At any rate, I’ll be using it and can’t wait, probably gonna up my clen to 100mcgs/day here soon.
I guess I was just worried because in @Type-IIx posts about it he seemed to suggest it would decrease the efficacy of clen, but I see that later on he observes that that may not be the case. At any rate, I’ll be using it and can’t wait, probably gonna up my clen to 100mcgs/day here soon.
I think you can't go wrong with combining the two of them. Worse case, just do what Deezznutzz said, and take the ketotifen every so often to restore tolerance. If you take both and you feel the clen isn't working, you can back off the ketotifen. I guess a lot of it depends on what kind of timeline you're on. If you need the fat gone fast, who knows, maybe the ketotifen may be too much of a risk to use with the clen. But if you run these stimulants as a regular thing or long term, the ketotifen is a must have or you'll develop a tolerance that only reduces when you stop for awhile.
I think you can't go wrong with combining the two of them. Worse case, just do what Deezznutzz said, and take the ketotifen every so often to restore tolerance. If you take both and you feel the clen isn't working, you can back off the ketotifen. I guess a lot of it depends on what kind of timeline you're on. If you need the fat gone fast, who knows, maybe the ketotifen may be too much of a risk to use with the clen. But if you run these stimulants as a regular thing or long term, the ketotifen is a must have or you'll develop a tolerance that only reduces when you stop for awhile.

If I’m understanding it correctly, @Deezznutzz runs the ketotifen after 3 weeks of clen, and from that point doesn’t stop unless he also stops the clen?
If I’m understanding it correctly, @Deezznutzz runs the ketotifen after 3 weeks of clen, and from that point doesn’t stop unless he also stops the clen?
Or if for some reason you take another two weeks break you don't need to take the k for at least three more weeks because your body clears out the receptors on its own. Clen will still work if you're receptors get full just works better when they're cleared.K clears the beta 2 receptors.
Or if for some reason you take another two weeks break you don't need to take the k for at least three more weeks because your body clears out the receptors on its own. Clen will still work if you're receptors get full just works better when they're cleared.K clears the beta 2 receptors.

Still can’t believe this shit about how much more I’m eating and not putting on weight, it’s fucking unreal bro
I’m not sure of the logic behind waiting three weeks to start adding in the ketotifen. If it does indeed have the effect of reducing or preventing tachyphylaxis, then I would think it should be used concomitantly with clen or albuterol. No sense in waiting for the receptors to start down-regulating to start the ketotifen.

I have some ketotifen and salbutamol (albuterol) coming in next week, so I’m excited for @Type-IIx to have a chance to look into the whole ketotifen thing I mentioned to him the other day.
I’m not sure of the logic behind waiting three weeks to start adding in the ketotifen. If it does indeed have the effect of reducing or preventing tachyphylaxis, then I would think it should be used concomitantly with clen or albuterol. No sense in waiting for the receptors to start down-regulating to start the ketotifen.

I have some ketotifen and salbutamol (albuterol) coming in next week, so I’m excited for @Type-IIx to have a chance to look into the whole ketotifen thing I mentioned to him the other day.
Well I'm just going off all the books I've read on the subject. I guess you could start taking it right away but it's common knowledge to take it at 3 weeks.