clomid 12.5 mg/day

Hey, im 21 years old and just started clomid only "cycle" for four weeks. Im doing this with 2 goals:
1) to see how i feel when my testosterone is a little higher, because my baseline is 420.
2) to see how i respond to clomid for prabable future cycle.
My questions is do i need any AI(adex) to get the best effect, and can clomid cause false E2 results-higher or lower than they actualy are?
Hey, im 21 years old and just started clomid only "cycle" for four weeks. Im doing this with 2 goals:
1) to see how i feel when my testosterone is a little higher, because my baseline is 420.
2) to see how i respond to clomid for prabable future cycle.
My questions is do i need any AI(adex) to get the best effect, and can clomid cause false E2 results-higher or lower than they actualy are?
You should give some personal stats of yourself:
  1. Male/female
  2. Height/weight
  3. etc
I'm a male, 5'10", 175 lbs, 13% bf
Been training before for a long time, like 5 yeas, but now had a 6 month break. Now im starting lifting again
My doc has me on 50mg Clomid EOD and suggested the dose wouldn't impact my estrogen levels (my e2 is 16...typical US range of <54).

How long u been taking now? I have baseline TT around 455 and hoping Clomid does same for me...increase TT and hopefully Free T in return. Just started on Wed 12/10.
Hey, im 21 years old and just started clomid only "cycle" for four weeks. Im doing this with 2 goals:
1) to see how i feel when my testosterone is a little higher, because my baseline is 420.
2) to see how i respond to clomid for prabable future cycle.
My questions is do i need any AI(adex) to get the best effect, and can clomid cause false E2 results-higher or lower than they actualy are?

First, your "response" to clomid is dependent upon several factors that do NOT apply to "future cycles" such as the LH and E-2 levels that are ELEVATED as compared to PCT.

Second, your "response" to Clomid during NORMAL hormonal levels does not in any way predict future results, the consequence of cycling.