Clomid and bad sides

I agree if you got fucked up shit going on in your life. Like going through a breakup or death in the family or anything like that it will make the depression much more intense!

Has nothing to do with being weak minded. It's just the clomid fucking with your mind!! :(
That's exactly what I'm going through right now. I just had a lot of bad shit happen at the wrong time.I have try to to keep my mind in check, but it's not always easy.
It really depends on the severity of the sides. If the adverse reactions are more than you're able to take then it's not for you, obviously. IMO most experiences are grossly exaggerated. The negative effects they are feeling are mostly due to TT values returning to "normal" levels.

I'd agree with that, I've ran clomid as high as 100/day and never had any sides to speak of (pharama not UGL)
I'm on my 11 th day at 100 Mgs only thing is that last two days im having a slight headache
ya i have gotten a couple headaches one was real bad. Other than that my dick stays hard and nuts seems to be kicking in
Last day of 100mgs jumping on 50 Mgs tomorrow for another 15..i feel good fucking like normal too.. Just not as horny as I was lol