Clomid and Nolva - Dosage question


New Member

I pinned my last shot of test E last thursday.

My cycle has been 500mg/week test E only for 12 weeks.

I am now almost a week away from the start of PCT. The PCT drugs I have got on hand are nolvadex and clomid. I am assuming that nolva only would be just fine for PCT when it comes to a test only cycle, however would there be a downside of also taking clomid?

The PCT i had in mind is the following:
Nolva: 40/40/20/20
Clomid: 100/50/50/50

Any comments on that? Would I be better off dropping clomid all together or perhaps running 100mg for 2 weeks and then 50 for 2 weeks?

P.S. I am very out of shape, I have just started working out but made amazing progress during this cycle. I do not intend to cycle for a few years now though because I am young (21) and realised I may as well wait a while specially since I am very prone to male pattern baldness. I want to keep these gains so I intend to keep bulking for a while post PCT, I do hpwever have a lot of bf to cut so I am wondering when I could start cutting. In other words, about how long should it take before my hormones are in balance again?

If your 500mg a week Test E is legit gear then usually you'll start PCT around 3-4 weeks after last pin. As for PCT, most go with Clomid/Nolva combo, but can also do Nolva only. As for dosage, it's the standard for most users and you should be able to tolerate some sides (should you have any).

IMO, without a solid foundation (diet and training) all that you've gain during AAS will be gone within months (usually during PCT). If overeating and not exercising is your thing in the past.. then you'll revert back to your old habits. Also, I don't recommend you cut during PCT. But your blood work should tell if you've recovered or not..
I do not intend to cut during PCT, I know that I will be in a very catabolic state for a while post cycle. Diet is not really a problem anymore, I have a past as a PC gamer and during that time of my life I have been living very unhealthy. As of now I have a clean diet of 3000kcal a day and that is the diet I intend to keep going with for a while.

I have done loads of reading and as far as I understand, if you are past your natural limit then you will lose the gains you made during cycle as soon as you stop cycling. I have also read that the way to keep gains is to cut workouts short, like 60 minutes tops 4 times a week with no cardio. I was intending to start cutting around 2 months after the PCT is complete.

I am as I said nowhere close to my natty limit, I am still very weak but I have gained about 30lbs during these 12 weeks with very noticable muscle gains.

I hope I will lose as little muscle as possible but of course I expect to lose alot. Any tips on how to preserve gains is appreciated.

As for blood works that is kind of tough to get in Sweden, if not impossible... Are there any indications you can make yourself that you have fairly recovered?
Your cycling (defined by 21 year olds as the placement of AAS into one's ass) at age 21 for COL

Take a look at this thread "5 year cruise comes to an end". If you think that wont happen to you THINK AGAIN.

To that end my advice; stop cycling until you know WTF your'e doing as your post here clearly shows YOU DONT!
Your cycling (defined by 21 year olds as the placement of AAS into one's ass) at age 21 for COL

Take a look at this thread "5 year cruise comes to an end". If you think that wont happen to you THINK AGAIN.

To that end my advice; stop cycling until you know WTF your'e doing as your post here clearly shows YOU DONT!

Hey Dr Jim! I will definitely tale your advice and put all steroids on hold for atleast another five years. I want to keep going to the gym and building mass naturally though. I just want to recover as fast as possible, which is why I asked about PCT and I want to keep the gains that are poasible to keep so I atleast aren't back on square one.

As for this cycle a friend got me into it and then he jumped off after 6 weeks, I got really addicted to the feeling of test (I abuse other drugs and have borderline personality disorder) so I kept going for 12 weeks and felt amazing. I have now come to my senses that I am too young for cycling.

Please help me come off as smooth as possible.

EDIT: I read that thread you recommended me to read and now I gotta take a xanax... That was scary stuff!
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Do you think I will recover from this? Could you estimate how long it should take? I am freaking out, I am a big sufferer of anxiety and I must admit that while on test I have felt incredible but I am atleast wise enough to realise that it was a mistake to get on the juice in the first place. I just want things to go back to the way they were and build a natural body!

Would nolva: 40/40/20/20 and clomid 100/50/50/50 be a good pct?
I have to bump this thread with another question.

When do I start PCT? I always thought it was 2 weeks after the last jab with test E. According to the post that is sticky here on Meso it says 35 days though? I would like this to be clear so I don't start too early or late (I don't know which is worse).
I have to bump this thread with another question.

When do I start PCT? I always thought it was 2 weeks after the last jab with test E. According to the post that is sticky here on Meso it says 35 days though? I would like this to be clear so I don't start too early or late (I don't know which is worse).

It would benefit you more if you switched to a short ester like prop for last couple weeks, three days after last test shot you can begin your PCT protocol. I'd suggest some HCG as well.
I have read this also, for any future cycling I will keep it in mind but as of now I only have test E, clomid, nolvadex, anastrozole and letro on hand. I hope I will recover without hcg. Anabolics is not the easiest for me to get a hold of (because of various reasons that don't apply to most people) so this is what I got to work with :)
I have read this also, for any future cycling I will keep it in mind but as of now I only have test E, clomid, nolvadex, anastrozole and letro on hand. I hope I will recover without hcg. Anabolics is not the easiest for me to get a hold of (because of various reasons that don't apply to most people) so this is what I got to work with :)

I seen you've read my horror story thread, learn from my mistakes bro. I too suffer from depression and anxiety but that's not what I'm gonna talk about, just letting you know I can relate. I'd strongly suggest you source out some HCG, it's a must buy for any PCT in my opinion.

My best advice is follow the PCT program you listed, Nolva and Clomid. Find some HCG and remain off all drugs until you recover completely. Get blood work and more blood work! And who know's you could recover in couple months or maybe never at all. Personally I've been off everything for over 4 months and my test has finally just recently hit the bottom end of normal. No one can say how long or if at all you'll recover but I'd think you shouldn't have to much issues from a first time test cycle.
I seen you've read my horror story thread, learn from my mistakes bro. I too suffer from depression and anxiety but that's not what I'm gonna talk about, just letting you know I can relate. I'd strongly suggest you source out some HCG, it's a must buy for any PCT in my opinion.

My best advice is follow the PCT program you listed, Nolva and Clomid. Find some HCG and remain off all drugs until you recover completely. Get blood work and more blood work! And who know's you could recover in couple months or maybe never at all. Personally I've been off everything for over 4 months and my test has finally just recently hit the bottom end of normal. No one can say how long or if at all you'll recover but I'd think you shouldn't have to much issues from a first time test cycle.

I literally cannot get hold of any hcg at this point. I realise now that it would be essential and I must say that I am very scared of not recovering since I do not have hcg. I wonder, does nolva and hcg usually do the trick? As of now I do not have any noticable testicular shrinkage. Would it be possible to run a second pct at a later stage with hcg if I do not show signs of recovery with nolva and clomid?

Basically I am wondering; does nolva and clomid usually restore testosterone production in a cycle like this or is hcg pretty much required? (I already know from your thread and reply as well as other threads that it is atleast strongly recommended.

Literally freaking out and hating myself for using AAS this irresponsibly and at this age!
From all my experience in previous successful PCT's (last good one was years ago btw) and from what I've seen and read, yes I'd say you'll recover in reasonable amount of time. Long as your healthy, lifting often and eating clean, there's many factors that come into play.

Nolva and Clomid have restored peoples test production, it was actually my first PCT ever and that was after a 12 week test e cycle. Matter of fact lots of people use those two with great results. Maybe I'm paranoid these days but I'll never go with out HCG so sorry if I sound like a HCG nut hugger.
That surely calms me down for now. Now I just hope my PCT meds are not bunk. I have read some bad (although old) reviews lately... Of course good reviews also. It is from one of the big sources but also one of the most critizised. I am not sure if I am allowed to mention manufacturers on this forum to ask for peoples experience, even if I should probably make a new thread for that since this topic would be very derailed.

Thank you for explaining your past experiences though. I hope you will recover fully soon as well! :)
From all my experience in previous successful PCT's (last good one was years ago btw) and from what I've seen and read, yes I'd say you'll recover in reasonable amount of time. Long as your healthy, lifting often and eating clean, there's many factors that come into play.

Nolva and Clomid have restored peoples test production, it was actually my first PCT ever and that was after a 12 week test e cycle. Matter of fact lots of people use those two with great results. Maybe I'm paranoid these days but I'll never go with out HCG so sorry if I sound like a HCG nut hugger.

Coming up on 2 weeks since last pin soon. Is that an okay time to start PCT?