Clomid Causing High E2?

Mad Mensch

New Member
Hi all,

I've recently tapered off a 1 year TRT program where I was dosing 200mg test cyp/week. The PCT which was prescribed to me and recommended by my Doctor was 250ui's of HCG twice a week for 4 weeks. After the HCG ended my testes were still very atrophied so I decided to use 25mg of Clomid ED for 30 days (not prescribed by my Dr) and I am about a week in.

The good news is my testes are starting to get back to normal however the bad news is I'm starting to experience high estradiol symptoms (sweating, flushing, itchy nipples, very soft erections, zero libido, anxiety, etc). I've read that because of Clomid's mechanism of action it will increase E2 along with testosterone. My fear is that my E2 is increasing at a greater rate than my test and I'm starting to feel the symptoms of imbalance. I have Amiridex on-hand but I have not taken it since I also read this does nothing to prevent estradiol increase from Clomid.

I am getting bloodwork tomorrow to confirm my suspicions but I'd like to find out if there is a way to control the estradiol while taking Clomid or if I should just stop Clomid completely? Also, please be aware that since I stopped the TRT program my doctor refuses to prescribe any other PCT medications so I don't have the luxury of going back and asking for a different AI. I'm almost giving in and going back on TRT but I really don't want to do that! Please help.

You could've taken Nolva and would have produce the same results! As for you taking Clomid without your Dr knowledge.. I don't know if that's a good idea! I mean if the only reasons you took Clomid is that nutsack has fully grown to your "expectation" then you did it for the wrong reasons.. I rather keep my hard erection, awesome libido, very to none anxiety, then a fat nutsack any day!! Gotta keep your priority straight bro!!
The atrophied testes was just one of the reasons why I stopped test. The other reason was because it was costing me $300/mo and I wasn't getting the same benefits that you are describing. The cost to benefit ratio was just not there.

Back to my original question on whether Clomid causes high e2 and if there's a way for me to control that.
Testicular SIZE is a more reelable estimate of fertility (sperm production) rather than Test levels.

And what were the other reasons you stopped TEST?

Why at age 27 were you placed on TRT?

Otherwise my suggestion, stop the experiment (and the Clomid) now and let your doctor finish what he started, as your complications are typical when those who don't know what they are doing leave the farm and begin "self therapy". with few exceptions.
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Hi all,

high estradiol symptoms (sweating, flushing, itchy nipples, very soft erections, zero libido, anxiety, etc).


NONE of these symptoms are specific to high ESTROGEN especially when TT levels are maintained WNL. And Clomid results in a PROPORTIONAL rise of both E-2 and TT!
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Why at age 27 were you placed on TRT?

Maybe you misread my profile but I'm 37, not 27.

But to answer your question if you read my post prior to yours, one of the reasons I stopped TRT was severe testicular atrophy. Almost to the point that it was painful and starting to interfere with sex which to me is counterproductive to having the higher libido. Second, money played a factor where my insurance stopped covering it and the clinic I was going to raised their prices from $150/mo to $300/mo. I was also not seeing/feeling the same benefit as many people on TRT describe. I was actually experiencing more issues such as acne, anxiety, short temper, flushing, oily skin, etc, and the only positive was the high libido which again was offset by issues with atrophy. All those combined made me decide to end TRT.

Lastly, your comment about finishing what my Dr had started. Do you mean, go back on TRT or with regards to PCT? Because going back on TRT is not an option and I did finish his PCT program which was 30 days of HCG at the same dosage twice a week. Thats it. With all the info out there about the benefits of running Clomid as a PCT I didn't think it really was "experimenting".
Testicular SIZE is a more reelable estimate of fertility (sperm production) rather than Test levels.

I completely disagree here. Testicular size and fertility have no definitive positive correlation. I can actually argue that testicular size and testosterone levels have a more positive relationship than size and fertility.
I completely disagree here. Testicular size and fertility have no definitive positive correlation. I can actually argue that testicular size and testosterone levels have a more positive relationship than size and fertility.

You know that Dr JIM is actually a doctor right? Unless you come up with some hard evidence to counter his statement beside "what you think".. it's a losing battle, my friend. But to answer your question, if Clomid can increase E2. No.. No -not in directly-- it doesn't increase E2 because the by-product of Testosterone (TT) is Estrogen. Since Clomid help restart your FSH and LH (increase sperm production) this will tell your body to start produce TT- That's why most people take Nolva to combat the TT to E2 conversion.