clomid dosage?

Helloooo mesooooo!

I was gonna see what some of the vets out there think about how I have planned to dose my clomid for a total of 4 weeks before starting my new cycle. I'm finished with my first cycle of testE at 500mg/week for 10 weeks and Dbol 50mg/ED during the first 4. My bloods were posted 5 weeks in on the lab testing forum which peaked out at 2500/total and 50+/free, not very good but not very bad either. Next Wednesday will be two weeks since my last pin which will be the day I plan to start the post cycle

Balkan Pharm Clomed 50mg

100mg ED for weeks 1&2
50mg ED for weeks 3&4
Nothing for the last two weeks before I start my next cycle

Let me know what you guys think?
Dosing is fine. You can go lower if the sides get bad.

You should consider taking more than a two week break though, if you want to keep your natty levels healthy long term. That kind of schedule is going to take a toll on you.
taking a two week break is not enough you might as well blast and cruise because you are not going to recover on that anyway . I think you need to do more research.
Clomid only PCT? I f I were to PCT with only one drug it would be Nolva or Torem. Clomid always made me want to eat a gun barrel, and I jacked my vision up. I could only imagine what 100mg ED would feel like.
Dosing is fine. You can go lower if the sides get bad.

You should consider taking more than a two week break though, if you want to keep your natty levels healthy long term. That kind of schedule is going to take a toll on you.
yeah I did think this was kind of short however I already have one kid and dont plan on having another. I do want to stay healthy and be able to produce normal natty Tlevels though. I really didnt get that good of results off the cycle tho. I only put on 14lbs total and only 11 of those were lean muscle. I already have everything for my next cycle and every night it is just begging me to pin it lol. Anyway if my cycle was only ten weeks long, is taking the clomid for 4 weeks and then going two weeks with absolutely nothing still too short, if so how long (total) would you advise to stay off before starting again?
yeah I did think this was kind of short however I already have one kid and dont plan on having another. I do want to stay healthy and be able to produce normal natty Tlevels though. I really didnt get that good of results off the cycle tho. I only put on 14lbs total and only 11 of those were lean muscle. I already have everything for my next cycle and every night it is just begging me to pin it lol. Anyway if my cycle was only ten weeks long, is taking the clomid for 4 weeks and then going two weeks with absolutely nothing still too short, if so how long (total) would you advise to stay off before starting again?
Aggressive cycling is half time off time on +pct. This is still very much playing with fire. That would be 7 weeks off.

Moderate, 1:1.

Conservative, 2:1.

2 weeks off, you should have skipped pct and just cruised. Probably would have been easier on your system anyway.
You're a big boy, and it's your risk to take. But don't think it isn't a risk. Those kind of practices will get you on trt pretty early.
Aggressive cycling is half time off time on +pct. This is still very much playing with fire. That would be 7 weeks off.

Moderate, 1:1.

Conservative, 2:1.

2 weeks off, you should have skipped pct and just cruised. Probably would have been easier on your system anyway.
Cool man ill take your advice and take a minimum of 7 weeks off total. Thanks D.. always helping a brother out!