clomid = huge loads

Youre on pct right now? Ive heard alot of guys say it increases volume alot. Never noticed it myself. Maybe Ive been getting bunk clomid.
Funny thing i found alot of guys swearing by when researching earlier. Even some saying pornstars used it.
Is this true Scally, cause I heard porn stars
use it too but it was on a board like this, where
I also heard not to run Tren Only cycles :)

Youre on pct right now? Ive heard alot of guys say it increases volume alot. Never noticed it myself. Maybe Ive been getting bunk clomid.
Yeah man I'm on pct now. Hooked up with a chick last night. Not to be vulgar but she had to swallow twice. I guess that's good my libido didn't really suffer