Clomid & Nolvadex morning or night?


Well-known Member
Hey Fellas, I'd like to hear your thoughts.

For PCT I'm running:

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
Aromasin 12.5 EOD

Question - what is your preferred method on when to take these items, all together? Morning? Night? Does it even matter?
Not sure how people do it but i take Nolva Clo during lunch and thats it. Never had a problem.
i do
1w Clo 50mg ED Nolva 40mg ED
2w Clo 50mg ED Nolva 40mg ED
3w Clo 50mg ED Nolva 20mg ED
4w Clo 50mg ED Nolva 20mg ED
This has been answered many times here on Meso.
Again the half life of these meds is about 5-7 days.
So no it doesn't matter what time of the day you take it.