Clomid on Cycle and for PCT?


Well-known Member
I read the recent Bill Roberts article on using an SERM in place of an AI while on cycle, such as Clomid. If you are using Clomid while on cycle, would you use it in combination with Nolva for PCT as well?
This is what we did years ago. In fact my first cycles were with clomid during and clomid only pct. Then it switched to nolva on cycle and clomid/nolva pct. Then it was nolva and proviron on cycle and clomid/nolva pcts.
Then ai's came into the mix and I used them from that point on. Having done both I can say for myself an ai on cycle works far better for me than a serm. It is also a healthier option. There are more dangers to elevated estrogen than just gyno and thats essentially what a serm will prevent, it will do nothing for estrogen levels.
My experience for what it is worth. Ai on cycle. Serm on hand just in case (ralox or tamox). Clomid/nolva pct.
@Kinikuman jimmy is correct a serm will not eliminate estrogen what it will do is prevent x amount of estrogen to bind to the receptors i.e receptor modulation. An AI will eliminate estrogen levels in blood thus its ability to help when gyno signs flourish. Hope this short explanation helps.
So beginner here, in the middle of a cycle should you start running a low dose of climid? (If you start getting sensitive nipples) or just stick with taking an AI like arimidex, then all the way through up until pct, I've also heard about letro?
So beginner here, in the middle of a cycle should you start running a low dose of climid? (If you start getting sensitive nipples) or just stick with taking an AI like arimidex, then all the way through up until pct, I've also heard about letro?

I would guess that if you are using Clomid to control estrogen on cycle, then you would continue it with a change in dosage for PCT.
Arimidex and clomid have nothing to do with each other. That means use each one for what they are designed to be used for. Adex will lower your estrogen count. Clomid will not do that. Common misconception. Do more research into whatneach one of them does. Not trying to be a dick just want you to inform yourself and understand what you are doing to yourself.
Arimidex and clomid have nothing to do with each other. That means use each one for what they are designed to be used for. Adex will lower your estrogen count. Clomid will not do that. Common misconception. Do more research into whatneach one of them does. Not trying to be a dick just want you to inform yourself and understand what you are doing to yourself.

Was that for me or Charlie?
No, I undstertand (I believe) that some people do take clomid on cycle as sort of an ai, I undsersnd that clomid and nolva would be the pct, along with possibly HCG kinikuman, what you said made sense but I wasn't agreeing or disagreeing one way or another. adex is while on cycle, I believe clomid, nolva, and HCG post cycle (from what I've found)

The cycle I'm running

12 week
1-4 DBol
1-12 Test e 600
Along with how much adex ED
Then PCT ( in that I don't know when to start the HCG, Clomid,Nolva etc)

Sorry if I back track, but there's s bunch of cycles posted that are similar but then they start growing in letro, and all kinds of stuff that throws me off, the more I read in the PCT section the more confused I get lol
I also don't take any offense to any comments , I'm a learner where if you tell me face to face why this is that way , and vice versa , so reading knowledge takes me a tad bit longer to absorb, so you can be as rude as you want I'm here to learn and don't get irritated easily.

Appreciate the Patience
No, I undstertand (I believe) that some people do take clomid on cycle as sort of an ai, I undsersnd that clomid and nolva would be the pct, along with possibly HCG kinikuman, what you said made sense but I wasn't agreeing or disagreeing one way or another. adex is while on cycle, I believe clomid, nolva, and HCG post cycle (from what I've found)

The cycle I'm running

12 week
1-4 DBol
1-12 Test e 600
Along with how much adex ED
Then PCT ( in that I don't know when to start the HCG, Clomid,Nolva etc)

Sorry if I back track, but there's s bunch of cycles posted that are similar but then they start growing in letro, and all kinds of stuff that throws me off, the more I read in the PCT section the more confused I get lol

Not to pry, but what gear are you running? I mean, what lab? The way things have been going lately among the UGLs, you may not need an AI at 600 mg (Actually dose = 300mg), depending on what you are running. The sad thing is, at 300 mg weekly your gains will be modest at best and you will still need to do PCT because you will be shut down.
600mg a week was what I was aiming , 2 pins a week, saving the deca for a later date. so at 300mg a pin 2x a week...the UGL is Americhem, heard good things about them and sll I could get my hand s on.


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600mg a week was what I was aiming , 2 pins a week, saving the deca for a later date. so at 300mg a pin 2x a week...the UGL is Americhem, heard good things about them and sll I could get my hand s on.

Chuck! No, no noooo! I cringe when when I see the phrase "All I could get was...". This is not the MESO way, my brother. I pray you got good gear, but I fear for you. Going forward, wait, read, wait some more, get a few opinions from folks you trust, then buy. The time and money wasted on bunk or underdosed gear piles up in this hobby like the national debt. I could be sitting on a mountain of gear if I went after everything I could have gotten in the last few weeks alone. How much of it would have been little more than poorly filtered bio-diesel - who's to say?
My lost post didn't go through, all gear is from reputable guys, both cycle on the same stuff, never had any problems. What I mean is I would of loved to get pharmacy grade and not UGL, but I dont have those connects (nor do I trust online ordering), so I took advantage if what u could get my hands on and something that someone was able to give me their personal experience on. The UGL IS Americhem I believe out of Florida.


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Charles my brother, we are only looking out for you. Not bashing you at all we just fear you might be putting something else in your body but it is a risk we take every time we pin ourselves. Keep it simple and you will learn much more and understand your body. If you think the gear is good by all means use it but get blood tests done to be sure. It is better to get results after 6 weeks then after 12. Start hcg on the third week of the cycle unless your testes shrink rapidly then start on the second week instead. Keep adex on hand if gyno flares up and clomid or nolva or both for post cycle. If the gear is good a good 20-25lbs of gains await you. Enjoy.