Clomid or Nolvadex for PCT

What to use?

  • Nolva

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Clomid

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Both

    Votes: 7 50.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
I’m wondering what’s best to use for pct since I have both on hand. I want to face to least side effects possible while still giving my body a chance for optimal recover, currently running HCG for 3 weeks to help jump start my testicles. Been blasting and cruising for 2 years. Using HCG on and off throughout. I hear clomid is a motherfcker for mental sides so I’m scared to take it.
Both for 8 weeks +

.. Would give you the best chance of recovering, especially if you've been B+C for 2+ years

Clomid is horrible though on mental sides. Stuff will have you crying over spilt milk. Heard enclomiphene is supposed to be better with less sides, but if you already have it then might as well use it i guess

what makes you want to come off?
I’m wondering what’s best to use for pct since I have both on hand. I want to face to least side effects possible while still giving my body a chance for optimal recover, currently running HCG for 3 weeks to help jump start my testicles. Been blasting and cruising for 2 years. Using HCG on and off throughout. I hear clomid is a motherfcker for mental sides so I’m scared to take it.
You said you were new to steroids and all that not long ago. Now you say you have been doing bnc for a while. Anyways, good luck on your come off and you're still very young so no matter what you choose you will probably recover just give it time. I couldn't come off, Testosterone in synthetic form got me hooked for life I guess. I love it. Tried thrice now, no success and I don't plan anymore. But hey don't give up.
You said you were new to steroids and all that not long ago. Now you say you have been doing bnc for a while. Anyways, good luck on your come off and you're still very young so no matter what you choose you will probably recover just give it time. I couldn't come off, Testosterone in synthetic form got me hooked for life I guess. I love it. Tried thrice now, no success and I don't plan anymore. But hey don't give up.
Yeah I'm on test for life too.

Cycled in college. Came off the first time to try to appease a girlfriend at the time. It was a miserable experience, eventually hopped back on.

Blasted and cruised for 4 years through college, came off for 6 years after college. Even ran a heavyyyyy pct with everything (hcg+hmg+clomid+nolva) ran heavy doses of pct for months to try to get the best outcome. Fast forward 6 years later, test levels are 247ng/dl, below the acceptable reference range. Hopped back on, and now it's test for life.

At this point I wish I never came off for those 6 years. The feeling of low testosterone levels sucks, lose strength, gains. Still trained during that time, it just wasn't as fun, and the results sucked after crashing my endocrine system, especially compared to having been formerly on gear

For people that want to blast and cruise, just realize that you're probably going to be on for life, depending on how long you do it for. Doubt you'll ever fully recover your natural test levels and you'll have to TRT early anyways

And If you blast and cruise for years, then come off, be ready to lose a bunch of gains and all the feels that come with that
You said you were new to steroids and all that not long ago. Now you say you have been doing bnc for a while. Anyways, good luck on your come off and you're still very young so no matter what you choose you will probably recover just give it time. I couldn't come off, Testosterone in synthetic form got me hooked for life I guess. I love it. Tried thrice now, no success and I don't plan anymore. But hey don't give up.
Have you tried pct before? If so how did it go?

There’s a few reasons I want to come off. Hair loss, my skin has aged badly and I just don’t feel healthy on the stuff. No matter how you look at it the stuff is not good for you. I don’t like the idea of pinning every week for the rest of my life and not producing your own testosterone isn’t good for you either. My fertility is also diminished which was the final nail in the coffin for me deciding to come off.

I’m only 24 and I was using HCG since the beginning but for some reason 4 months I decided for some odd reason to drop the HCG and see what happens. I hope I recover fully within time. My testicles haven’t actually shrunk that much so I take it as a good indicator.

I might give the clomid a miss though. Unless there is something else I can use instead w/ tamoxifen. I am not risking the emotional side effects. I also heard clomid fcks with your eyes, I took amitriptyline before for work related stress and the vision in my right eye hasn’t been the same since. So when vision is mentioned as a side effect from medication it shouldn’t be taken lightly.
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I will add to this for another reason for coming. I found that steroids indirectly lowered my intelligence. I look back and think about how much more impulsive and reckless decisions I made especially when blasting. A touchy subject but AAS absolutely changes the users behaviour, be it in a good or bad way. Also the aggression and libido were a massive distraction. Again, lots of reasons for me to quit and hopefully the pct is successful and I don’t need to hop back on TRT.
I will add to this for another reason for coming. I found that steroids indirectly lowered my intelligence. I look back and think about how much more impulsive and reckless decisions I made especially when blasting. A touchy subject but AAS absolutely changes the users behaviour, be it in a good or bad way. Also the aggression and libido were a massive distraction. Again, lots of reasons for me to quit and hopefully the pct is successful and I don’t need to hop back on TRT.
You'll probably need to TRT early, but it sounds like a break could be good for you if you're feeling that way.

I don't think it lowers intelligence per se, but it could exacerbate lower emotional intelligence with regard to impulse control, sure
You'll probably need to TRT early, but it sounds like a break could be good for you if you're feeling that way.

I don't think it lowers intelligence per se, but it could exacerbate lower emotional intelligence with regard to impulse control, sure
No hopefully I’ll be off forever. I’m only 24, people have been on cycle for far longer and are older yet they recovered. Some even come off cold turkey.
I don't think it lowers intelligence per se, but it could exacerbate lower emotional intelligence with regard to impulse control, sure

Getting on test definitely improved my cognition and my pace of thinking. It might reduced my bullshit tolerance to an extend but that feel good sensation and the constant hornyness is the bomb.

And i won't even mention the effects on gym performance, body composition, recovery etc.. And all that while my natty levels before start the gear was 650ng/dl, so above average for a 35yo.

I'm not seeing myself getting off the test. If anytime i get bored of pinning since i'm pinning every day, i'll switch to test U and do 1 shot per week.
There's a lot of skepticism about using clomid in PCT due to potential side effects but I dont believe its completely warranted. When its used in the setting of PCT you have a massive hormone shift from being at supra-physiologic testosterone levels and feeling like superman, to a gradual and sudden drop while your body is barely producing any endogenously. That hormone shift is far more likely to be the cause of emotional side effects. Im not saying some people do not respond well to clomid, but if you truly want the best chance of recovering you should be using what has the most studies supporting use for HPTA recovery, which is clomid. Theoretically tamoxifen should produce similar effects to clomid as its MOA is very similar. There have been a few studies that show it does so but they are limited and most are case reports with very few subjects involved in the studies. I find it ridiculous that people inject with anabolics that have known side effects and potential long term health risks while also getting them from some rando UGL on the internet but worry they might have side effects from a drug that is well studied and has an extremely high likelihood of helping them recover.

After a couple years of TRT dosed T I came off last winter with the goal of fertility. I used clomid and hcg and have fully recovered, wifes pregnant, and didnt have a single emotional or visual side effect from clomid. I ran clomid 25 mg ED or 50 mg EOD and HCG was 1500-2000 iu E3D, which is consistent with most recent urology recommendations for fertility. I also ran clomid for 12 months, HCG for about 7 (until my FSH/LH seemed to plateau and semen analysis started showing swimmers). My most recent bloods off everything showed T: 730 with normal LH/FSH ( 2 months off). While on clomid/HCG my T was up to 920. Clomid recovered my HPTA and the HCG did seem to provide a nice T boost which likely helped the smoother transition off. I had noticeable increase in libido and overall well being for a day or two after HCG shots. I don't feel the same as when I was on low dose T and my workouts/pumps arent as intense, but I kept the majority of my strength/gains and that was just keeping consistent with diet and training. You're too young to not give yourself the best chance at recovering. It took me longer than expected to recover, but it was definitely worth it.
There's a lot of skepticism about using clomid in PCT due to potential side effects but I dont believe its completely warranted. When its used in the setting of PCT you have a massive hormone shift from being at supra-physiologic testosterone levels and feeling like superman, to a gradual and sudden drop while your body is barely producing any endogenously. That hormone shift is far more likely to be the cause of emotional side effects. Im not saying some people do not respond well to clomid, but if you truly want the best chance of recovering you should be using what has the most studies supporting use for HPTA recovery, which is clomid. Theoretically tamoxifen should produce similar effects to clomid as its MOA is very similar. There have been a few studies that show it does so but they are limited and most are case reports with very few subjects involved in the studies. I find it ridiculous that people inject with anabolics that have known side effects and potential long term health risks while also getting them from some rando UGL on the internet but worry they might have side effects from a drug that is well studied and has an extremely high likelihood of helping them recover.

After a couple years of TRT dosed T I came off last winter with the goal of fertility. I used clomid and hcg and have fully recovered, wifes pregnant, and didnt have a single emotional or visual side effect from clomid. I ran clomid 25 mg ED or 50 mg EOD and HCG was 1500-2000 iu E3D, which is consistent with most recent urology recommendations for fertility. I also ran clomid for 12 months, HCG for about 7 (until my FSH/LH seemed to plateau and semen analysis started showing swimmers). My most recent bloods off everything showed T: 730 with normal LH/FSH ( 2 months off). While on clomid/HCG my T was up to 920. Clomid recovered my HPTA and the HCG did seem to provide a nice T boost which likely helped the smoother transition off. I had noticeable increase in libido and overall well being for a day or two after HCG shots. I don't feel the same as when I was on low dose T and my workouts/pumps arent as intense, but I kept the majority of my strength/gains and that was just keeping consistent with diet and training. You're too young to not give yourself the best chance at recovering. It took me longer than expected to recover, but it was definitely worth it.
How old were you? Also I agree that there is massive hormonal shift which makes one feel like shit just by coming off but I’ve ran tamoxifen before on cycle and that made me an emotional mess so there is 100% a component involving SERMs and one’s mood. They say the zuclomiphene found in clomid is what causes a majority of the issues especially with your eyes. You were also on 25mg ED which is half the dosage that’s recommended. I’m not pointing the finger at anyone but half the dosage does equal half the sides.
I would love if someone who actually ran enclomiphehe would chime in and explain what it’s all about. It appears no one has actually used it before.
In this day and age, knowing about it's side effect profile, I would not use Clomiphene for longer than a week. Hopefully the availability of Enclomiphene will improve over the coming years.
In this day and age, knowing about it's side effect profile, I would not use Clomiphene for longer than a week. Hopefully the availability of Enclomiphene will improve over the coming years.
It’s available to buy. The only thing that isn’t available is information on the drug. I hate using these new drugs and being the Guinea pig testing stuff out. I can’t find any information on it only that it’s the good isomer of clomid.
In this day and age, knowing about it's side effect profile, I would not use Clomiphene for longer than a week. Hopefully the availability of Enclomiphene will improve over the coming years.
What side effect profile are you talking about? In this day and age, it is a very safe alternative for TRT in those looking to maintain fertility and has fewer side effects than testosterone.
How old were you? Also I agree that there is massive hormonal shift which makes one feel like shit just by coming off but I’ve ran tamoxifen before on cycle and that made me an emotional mess so there is 100% a component involving SERMs and one’s mood. They say the zuclomiphene found in clomid is what causes a majority of the issues especially with your eyes. You were also on 25mg ED which is half the dosage that’s recommended. I’m not pointing the finger at anyone but half the dosage does equal half the sides.
Im early 30s. 25 mg ED and 50 mg EOD achieve very similar plasma levels due to clomid half-life. And 25 mg ED is the recommended dosage based on the majority of recent treatment protocols that have come out in the last 2-3 years. So, I was on the appropriate dose and my recovery and experience reflect it. Good luck with the recovery


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