Which one?

  • Gp Clomid

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Alpha-pharma Promifen

    Votes: 3 100.0%

  • Total voters


So I need to pick up a bit more clomid, it looks like I didn't order enough. Just a small error, I've got 4 weeks before I start pct, and I was looking at either Geneza's Clomid or Alpha-Pharma's Promifen. I just want some input on shipping times on both, prices are pretty cheap either .8 a tab or .6 per tab. And also some user experience. I am very aware of threads that contain those lab reviews but almost everyone tasks about oils and oral aas. Thanks for your guys' input.
I would never use anything but Pharma Ancillaries. Spend a few cents more and get something human grade.
I would never use anything but Pharma Ancillaries. Spend a few cents more and get something human grade.

A few cents? Try triple or 4× the price unless you can point me in the direction of pharma grade clomid for not that much.
A few cents? Try triple or 4× the price unless you can point me in the direction of pharma grade clomid for not that much.
Well being as you are talking in "per tablet" pricing, yes a few cents.

I don't know, what is your recovery worth?
Well being as you are talking in "per tablet" pricing, yes a few cents.

I don't know, what is your recovery worth?

Ok, you got me there for sure. I'm going to probably go through @pharmacist. He seems like a wonderful guy, I've read his entire thread. And he has legit clomid for 50 mg, 10 tabs $15. Seeing how it is legit... I think it will be worth it. I only need 20 tabs.
Geneza Pharmaceutical?

Have you checked this "pharm grade" pharmacy out???

Go to GenezaPharmaceuticals.com

At a glance they fail to list demographic info that is hallmark of those companies which sell Ph products such as;
- Production COUNTRY
- "contact" info perhaps exclusive of an EMAIL !

- they list AAS, other PEDS and BB ancillaries as products
- rest assured this is NOT an FDA approved company but rather another UGL!
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What about them, have you tried Googling their website.

I am unsure of reliablerxpharmacy. I've looked at their website multiple times and they do offer phone numbers and where they get their stuff from, and which pharmacutical companies that are legit if you look them up. But I have heard that they sell credit card information on another thread. So I wouldn't order from them unless you use a prepaid visa card, or some similar form of payment. I've heard there are some problems with pharmaceuticals that come out of India and that area are largely un-regulated as of late with some governmental crisis. I would love to hear your opinion on them @Dr JIM . You are an expert and very knowledgeable individual.
You said that you have looked at the pharmacist whole thread did you see any bad reviews? I think you know the answer to your question
You said that you have looked at the pharmacist whole thread did you see any bad reviews? I think you know the answer to your question

I just ordered from @pharmacist :p. He is a great guy but would still like to know more about these sources and legitness. It's always a good idea to keep your sources open!
I just ordered from @pharmacist :p. He is a great guy but would still like to know more about these sources and legitness. It's always a good idea to keep your sources open!
I'm not saying he's the one to use only you can decide thru your own research but I have read his thread and use him befor myself and I wasn't disappointed but definitely spend the money and get some good clomid
I am unsure of reliablerxpharmacy. I've looked at their website multiple times and they do offer phone numbers and where they get their stuff from, and which pharmacutical companies that are legit if you look them up. But I have heard that they sell credit card information on another thread. So I wouldn't order from them unless you use a prepaid visa card, or some similar form of payment. I've heard there are some problems with pharmaceuticals that come out of India and that area are largely un-regulated as of late with some governmental crisis. I would love to hear your opinion on them @Dr JIM . You are an expert and very knowledgeable individual.

You and many others misunderstand what resalers like the Pharmacist do, they RESALE all sorts of drugs while some MAYBE legitimate Pharmaceutical products many are NOT!

You guys need to devote more time into investigating the NAME on the PRODUCT LABEL itself such as SUN pharm of India, Lilly of the USA etc.

If there is no identifying info or you can't locate a Website that MANUFACTURES these products and LISTS the demographic info I've mentioned they are NOT Pharmaceutical drugs and their quality remains suspect!

Oh and with respect to India there are 526 drug manufactures in that country and only SIXTEEN FDA inspectors!

Moreover some have been fined millions or have had their FDA licensure revoked bc of their inability to comply AND remain compliant with FDA regulations!

The data on the drugs manufactured in India speaks for itself, uniformity and quality control remain a significant problem IMO
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Agreed with Doc! I know 1st hand re: India product.. eventho it's FDA approve and it's from India-does not mean quality is equal those of the US or Europe! Also, would like to add- India has a law that says before an FDA inspector can inspect-they must provide an advance notice..You know how that ends! :)
99% of bodybuilding "pharma" meds are actually UGLs or big-pharma counterfeits.
They already risk 15+ years in an American prison. Do you think they give a shit about counterfeiting or underdosing their products?
You and many others misunderstand what resalers like the Pharmacist do, they RESALE all sorts of drugs while some MAYBE legitimate Pharmaceutical products many are NOT!

You guys need to devote more time into investigating the NAME on the PRODUCT LABEL itself such as SUN pharm of India, Lilly of the USA etc.

If there is no identifying info or you can't locate a Website that MANUFACTURES these products and LISTS the demographic info I've mentioned they are NOT Pharmaceutical drugs and their quality remains suspect!

Oh and with respect to India there are 526 drug manufactures in that country and only SIXTEEN FDA inspectors!

Moreover some have been fined millions or have had their FDA licensure revoked bc of their inability to comply AND remain compliant with FDA regulations!

The data on the drugs manufactured in India speaks for itself, uniformity and quality control remain a significant problem IMO

Good Day sir,
Everything you said so far its true. But I have to add one single thing - I own a pharmacy and I resell (its true) products from my pharmacy. My pharmacy is located in the European Union, all the products come from authorised pharmaceutical warehouses, from pharmaceutical companies and I have no connection with producers from India or other Asian countries. I respect you but the true must be said - please try not to imagine me like a guy that buys meds online from all kinds of shady places then resell to MESO members because you would be far from the truth.
I dare all the members from MESO that have gotten their PCT from me to name the product or the company I sent that is Indian or Turkish or Chinese or Pakistani or simmilar.
I know the trend is now to sell UGL , or sell Asian because its cheaper, not the case here. All the products from my list come from EMA approved companies (EMA is the European organism similar to FDA). If its necessary I will list all the companies that I sell, I have nothing against it, and you can check evey one of them. All are European Union companies, produced in the European Union. Most of them have many products that are FDA approved - as we know, FDA approves products not companies.

I am offering my time and disponibility to anyone that wants to verify the producers of the products I am selling. Ask me and I will give all the necessary info.

Please, lets identify the line between Asian, UGL and me. We are not in the same boat.

Thank you
Best Regards
Tried a few of Alpha's products, they were good, I guess their clomid should be fine as well.
Also used radja's clomiphene, purchased accidentally, decent tabs.