Clomid Sides


New Member
Can anyone tell me through personal experience how long Clomid sides lasted for you? I've been doing a lot of research on it and using it's half life it should be just about out of my system by now, but I'm still having mood swings and horrible anxiety, I feel really off kinda like I'm high and disconnected from the world. I did Clomid at 100/50/25/25. Started December 15th-Jan 12th, I did Post cycle bloods around Jan 27th because I felt estrogen may have been causing sides, everything checked out but my test was still high so I think Clomid was still effecting that. I plan to get bloods retaken soon. Just hoping you guys could share your experience. Thanks
I'm still having mood swings and horrible anxiety, I feel really off kinda like I'm high and disconnected from the world
I've never felt as bad as you describe while on clomid, but based on listening to others I can understand how you could feel the way you did/do. You stopped almost a month ago. It's a fair idea to consider it's not the clomid at this point.
Post cycle depression? The "gain train" is awesome while on. It can be harder to be as committed to diet and training while off cycle. Which leads to loss of gains from the cycle and possibly some degree of depression.
I've never felt as bad as you describe while on clomid, but based on listening to others I can understand how you could feel the way you did/do. You stopped almost a month ago. It's a fair idea to consider it's not the clomid at this point.
Post cycle depression? The "gain train" is awesome while on. It can be harder to be as committed to diet and training while off cycle. Which leads to loss of gains from the cycle and possibly some degree of depression.

Yeah I wouldn't rule out post cycle depression, is post cycle depression temporary until hormone levels balance?
I've never had sides from clomid. I'm running 100mg right now and feel no difference in myself.

I think a lot of guys experience placebo from PCT meds... Not to downplay your symptoms or anything.
I think a lot of guys experience placebo from PCT meds... Not to downplay your symptoms or anything.
I agree to some degree, I think the guys that have "clomid sides" are actually experiancing low T sides and they just mistakenly blame it on the clomid.
And since usually pct protocols have a downward taper by the second week their t is starting to increase and that is when they drop the clomid down and then see their symptoms go away but in reality it's just a coincidence, sorta.
I agree to some degree, I think the guys that have "clomid sides" are actually experiancing low T sides and they just mistakenly blame it on the clomid.
And since usually pct protocols have a downward taper by the second week their t is starting to increase and that is when they drop the clomid down and then see their symptoms go away but in reality it's just a coincidence, sorta.

That's interesting because I was fine for the first week or so of pct then during the second week I developed the symptoms and their still around... also I waited 4 weeks between last pin of test e and pct
I've never had sides from clomid. I'm running 100mg right now and feel no difference in myself.

I think a lot of guys experience placebo from PCT meds... Not to downplay your symptoms or anything.
That's interesting because I was fine for the first week or so of pct then during the second week I developed the symptoms and their still around... also I waited 4 weeks between last pin of test e and pct
What are your symptoms?
What are your symptoms?

During the second week of pct till around a week or two after end of pct, I had really blurry vision, high anxiety, feeling detached from the world almost like I'm always high or in the sort of daze your in the day after drinking a lot. Can't concentrate at all. After around like 3 weeks post pct, the blurry vision subsided, but still have horrible anxiety and all that, I'm just getting really aggravated feeling this way, I just keep thinking maybe I'll be like this forever and I can't fuckin take it.
During the second week of pct till around a week or two after end of pct, I had really blurry vision, high anxiety, feeling detached from the world almost like I'm always high or in the sort of daze your in the day after drinking a lot. Can't concentrate at all. After around like 3 weeks post pct, the blurry vision subsided, but still have horrible anxiety and all that, I'm just getting really aggravated feeling this way, I just keep thinking maybe I'll be like this forever and I can't fuckin take it.
Yeah those sound like clomid sides, Many take nolva with it and then drop the clomid a little to help combat the sides and get the same results as far as recovery goes.
Other than that all I can say is clomid has like a 5 day half life I'm pretty sure, so first week it has not really built up in your system yet, that's why most will front load their pct. So that is likely why your sides are coming in the second week instead of the first even though your first week was a higher dose.
Yeah those sound like clomid sides, Many take nolva with it and then drop the clomid a little to help combat the sides and get the same results as far as recovery goes.
Other than that all I can say is clomid has like a 5 day half life I'm pretty sure, so first week it has not really built up in your system yet, that's why most will front load their pct. So that is likely why your sides are coming in the second week instead of the first even though your first week was a higher dose.

Yeah that makes sense why the sides started the second week, but it doesn't explain why they haven't subsided yet...I've heard halflife is 5-7 days so I calculated how long it would be in my system at 7 and it should be just about gone by now, will be completely gone in about 3-4 more weeks. Also another big symptom I forgot to mention is im always tired, I never feel rested even when I get 12 hrs of sleep I have to drag myself out of bed.
Yeah those sound like clomid sides, Many take nolva with it and then drop the clomid a little to help combat the sides and get the same results as far as recovery goes.
Other than that all I can say is clomid has like a 5 day half life I'm pretty sure, so first week it has not really built up in your system yet, that's why most will front load their pct. So that is likely why your sides are coming in the second week instead of the first even though your first week was a higher dose.
I despise Clomid. I had a bad experience with it. However, i have had those same symptoms from letting my estro get too high in the past.
Yeah that makes sense why the sides started the second week, but it doesn't explain why they haven't subsided yet...I've heard halflife is 5-7 days so I calculated how long it would be in my system at 7 and it should be just about gone by now, will be completely gone in about 3-4 more weeks. Also another big symptom I forgot to mention is im always tired, I never feel rested even when I get 12 hrs of sleep I have to drag myself out of bed.
Lots of things can cause lethargy man. The vision problems are likely clomid but the lethargy could be anything.
And when it's compared to how you just recently felt on cycle the effects feel amplified. It sucks being normal again.