Clomiphene as a Preventive Treatment for Intractable Chronic Cluster Headache

Michael Scally MD

Doctor of Medicine
10+ Year Member
Rozen TD. Clomiphene Citrate as a Preventive Treatment for Intractable Chronic Cluster Headache: A Second Reported Case With Long-Term Follow-Up. Headache.

OBJECTIVE: To describe a second case of treatment refractory chronic cluster headache responsive to clomiphene citrate and with long-term follow-up.

METHODS: Case report with 7-year evaluation.

CASE: A 63-year-old man with a 17-year history of chronic cluster headache preceded to have significant adverse events or was nonresponsive to multiple cluster headache preventive medications including verapamil, lithium, valproic acid, topiramate, baclofen as well as greater occipital nerve blocks and inpatient hospitalization. The patient experienced 3-5 headaches per day.

On clomiphene citrate 100 mg/day he became 100% pain-free and remained so for 3.5 years with only mild fatigue as a side effect. He then had cluster headache recurrence and did well on gabapentin for another 3 years with repeat headache recurrence. Clomiphene was restarted, and he became pain-free once again.

DISCUSSION: This is the second reported case of the effective use of clomiphene citrate for the preventive treatment of medicinal refractory chronic cluster headache. This is the first case to report long-term follow-up of this neurohormonal treatment.

Clomiphene citrate appears to be safe for extended use in chronic cluster headache even in an elderly sufferer and has a minimal side effect profile. The mechanism of action of how clomiphene prevents cluster headache may involve both its ability to enhance testosterone production and its ability to bind to hypothalamic estrogen receptors.

Clomiphene citrate should join the list of alternative cluster headache prophylactic treatments to be considered by headache specialists when conventional cluster headache preventives are ineffective.
Rozen T. Clomiphene Citrate for Treatment Refractory Chronic Cluster Headache. Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain. 2008;48(2):286-90.

A treatment refractory chronic cluster headache patient is presented who became cluster-free on clomiphene citrate. The author has previously reported a SUNCT patient responding to clomiphene citrate. Hypothalamic hormonal modulation therapy with clomiphene citrate may become a new preventive choice for trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias. The possible mechanism of action of clomiphene citrate for cluster headache prevention will be discussed.
Since Clomid affects cranial vascularity it stands to reason. People have used caffeine to derail migraines, though not the same beast as cluster headache.
We have helped cluster headache patients for years anyway by correcting the cause.
Dr. M
Since Clomid affects cranial vascularity it stands to reason. People have used caffeine to derail migraines, though not the same beast as cluster headache.
We have helped cluster headache patients for years anyway by correcting the cause.
Dr. M
And what might be the cause Doctor?

The 7th cervical nerve impingement alters cranial pressure in these cases. I suspect via thyroid imbalance, though the cervical ganglion relationship may be a factor. Get the nerve relieved, the headaches stop.
I also had a friend who overcame it with thyroid treatment and time lessened the disc impingement on the nerve. This was prior to him receiving the sort of care I provide.
I have no doubt and can vouch Clomid does affect vascularity especially the eye.
The fellow I mentioned credited distilled water as relieving calcification in his arthritic neck but I cannot verify if this had any bearing.
The 7th cervical nerve impingement alters cranial pressure in these cases. I suspect via thyroid imbalance, though the cervical ganglion relationship may be a factor. Get the nerve relieved, the headaches stop.
I also had a friend who overcame it with thyroid treatment and time lessened the disc impingement on the nerve. This was prior to him receiving the sort of care I provide.
I have no doubt and can vouch Clomid does affect vascularity especially the eye.
So you do not know the cause? It could be caused by multiple factors. I was under the impression that the cause was unknown.

If you have any cases studies or write ups I would be interested in reading.

I appreciate your time.
