Closeout Sale


New Member
Hello everyone, and Good Evening!

I read the rules for this forum, and I believe I am not breaking any of them. If I am, I sincerely apologize.

I first wanted to express my appreciation for sites like this. I look at these sites as forms of harm prevention in the AAS world. And that is something I believe to be very beneficial. I've been bodybuilding for decades, but I never got into AAS until about 8 years ago (thankfully). To be honest, if my friends were doing it when I was younger, I can't say I wouldn't have tried it then. But I got lucky and didn't stumble into it until I was already an old man. Like many, after I was introduced to AAS, I found myself searching for a source. I've had both very good and very negative experiences with sources.

Eventually I found a good source. Product was great, shipping time was pretty fast and the prices weren't too steep either. Once I was comfortable using him, my friends gave me a bunch of money and we all threw in on a large order. Well, that's when it happened. I had been ripped off for smaller orders in the past, but nothing like this. I don't even want to mention how much money was taken from my friends and I. At that point, I decided I would never order from a UGL again.

I spent more time ocassionally getting ripped off or receiving inferior products when I began sourcing my own raw powders. I figured with my work background, this would be cake.

After some trial and error (and a bit of frustration), I found an AMAZING raw source. One that has been sending me very high quality products ever since. Most people, including myself, will attest that everything I make is comparable to pharma quality.

I first started off making batches of things I wanted to use myself. Then I made some for some friends, and then my friends' friends and so on. I've had a great time doing all this over the years. But I just became blessed enough to move away and get closer to my family.

Before I left, I made sure that I had everything my regulars would need to hold them over. I still have a good amount of products left over that I'd like to get rid of as soon as possible. I never set out to make a ton of money doing this. Which is why my prices are so typically low. Now, I don't have any interest in meeting new people in this new area and trying to create customers. I was told doing it this way online would be my best option.

My friend used to do this big time a while back. He's been helping me out with all the ins and outs when it comes to using the internet, sending packs etc.

I'm hoping to retire from this once everything is gone. But, if demand on here or from back home becomes too intense, I may stick around for a little while longer. I'm just going to play it by ear for now. I'll leave my pricelist down below. After I sell any products, I'll edit this post to reflect what I still have left. Of course, if anyone has any questions for me, don't hesitate to ask me!

Oils - All 10mL vials filled to the top

Test Prop 100mg - $25 (14)
Test Cyp 200mg - $30 (10)
Test Enan 250mg - $35 (23)
Deca 250mg - $40 (6)
Sustanon 350mg - $45 (8)
SuperTest 400mg - $50 (11)
Tren A 100mg - $40 (18)
Mast P 100mg - $35 (16)
EQ 250mg - $35 (7)
TNE 100mg - $20 (16)

Caps - All items listed contain 40 caps

Dbol 25mg - $20 (5)
Adrol 25mg - $20 (12)
Anavar 25mg - $30 (4)
Superdrol 10mg - $20 (6)
Halo 10mg - $20 (4)
Winny 25mg - $20 (11)
Adex 0.25mg - $20 (24)
Clomid 50mg - $25 (8)
Nolva 50mg - $25 (8)
Cialis 10mg - $20 (13)
Viagra 25mg - $20 (11)


HCG 5000iu - $25 (7)
Melanotan 2 10mg - $25 (12)
HGH Frag 2mg - $15 (8)
MGF 2mg - $15 (8)


I have a couple cases of HGH that were never sold

Red Top HGH - Kit is 10x10iu (100iu) - $200
Hygetropin HGH - Kit is 25x8iu (200iu) - $500

All HGH products are still in their original packaging, directly from the factory.

***************************IMPORTANT**************************** Please be aware that both the Sust and Test 400 contain a small amount of EO. If you are sensitive to EO, please contact me before ordering either of those items.

I believe that covers just about all of it. My friend also helped me out when it comes to packing and shipping boxes, taking payment etc.

Everything mentioned above is ready to go. I will ship packs as soon as I can verify payment was accepted.

It will be easiest for my to accept payments from GreenDot Moneypak card and Reloadit Card. I can also accept payment through places like Wester Union and Moneygram if neccessary.

There is no minimum order at this time. Shipping is US domestic only. Shipping cost is only $10 to be added to the total of the order.

I will keep this thread updated as my inventory continually dwells. The numbers in the parenthesis are how many of each item I have left, so I will edit them as needed.

Feel free to ask me any questions you can come up with! You can also PM me here or email me at


P.S. - Please ask any questions you may have, whether if they seem large or small and silly. I'll do my absolute best to vigilantly monitor this thread so I can stay caught up with any potential questions. God bless!
How about addressing the code of conduct? Do you use pgp? Safe mail isn't very secure by the way
Also how about addressing this:

Closing Up Shop

Hahah!! Regular is all over your fat ass Scotty boy!! Fucking lame!!

I'll give you credit, saying you're not brewing anymore to try and bypass the CoC.. Pretty slick for you..

I'm surprised someone hadn't hunted you down already with your info plastered all over the boards..
so when people send you their money, are you planning on just stealing it, or are you going to go the extra mile and send them bottles of canola oil?
Copy and paste sales pitch??? Hahahaha!!!!! Word for word the same one from the other board. God damn, at least come up with something a little more original.
Scotty, welcome back fuck stick!! Can't pull one over on regular, he got your ass!!
Copy and paste sales pitch??? Hahahaha!!!!! Word for word the same one from the other board. God damn, at least come up with something a little more original.

I saw this same pitch over at UGBB , it didnt work there & it aint workin here . Good-bye Scotty , again. ~Ogh
Oh what has it been about a month or two. All you new guys this guy is a NOGO

Damn caught so fast this won't even last long enough to have any fun.
You have to love ....I am goin out of business sale to start a business sale.....that is a brand new one there.
Hello Meso friends, the staff at UGBB beleive this person is Tilltheend aka Scott Segally, a known internet troll and scammer. He has been banned here at Meso for making death threats and has been banned on just about every board out there.

Do not place orders with this person.

He made the same post on our board:

Here is some detailed information about Tilltheend:
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So we should trust you cause you want to get in then get out :confused: makes a lot of sense [:o)]
Why wouldn't you just unload locally.
JB nailed it your intro was a piss poor attempt at avoiding the coc.
Thanks regular for the info

Sounds good at first glad the senior guys here break these jerkoffs down
Never for a second did it sound good.
If you see intros like this it's almost certainly a scam.
They always try to relate to you with the whole boo hoo I've been scammed so I know how it feels therefore I would never do that.
Scamming 101 [:o)]
Man you guys dont hold back do you LMAO . good job looking out

Also how about addressing this:
Closing Up Shop

Yep, you were booted from UGBB and now you are here. Your pitch reeks of scam.

Hahah!! Regular is all over your fat ass Scotty boy!! Fucking lame!!

I'll give you credit, saying you're not brewing anymore to try and bypass the CoC.. Pretty slick for you..

I'm surprised someone hadn't hunted you down already with your info plastered all over the boards..

Scotty, welcome back fuck stick!! Can't pull one over on regular, he got your ass!!

2 boards and 2 posts on each! Lol. What a fucktard!

Sounds good at first glad the senior guys here break these jerkoffs down