Cloudy HGH after reconstitution


Well-known Member
Hi there,
I switched to a new HGH supplier which is known to sell good quality and is testing the products on regular basis.

I would like to avoid to drop the name of the brand. So please do not ask for that.

I usually reconstitute all my HGH from all brands with water for injection purpose. This is what I am doing since year's without any issues. HGH und water stored in a climate controlled fridge between 6 and 8°C.
I always use 1ml of water to reconstitute 10iu.

But since I switched to the new supplier something is different. The HGH is cloudy as shown in the pictures below.

I know this brand and an issue like this has never been reported so far... At least I am not aware of. So I believe that this is not an issue of the product in general and this affects just my HGH.

Do you maybe habe an idea which could cause that? Is it a problem? Is it degraded or damaged? I have no red lumps or reactions on the injection area. Everything is pretty fine.

I am in mid of my prep and I am just concerned that the effectiveness of the HGH is lowered or not existing anymore and I will recognize to late and/or my prep is not working as good as it could be.

So would you switch back to a brand I used before or do you not see any issue with this stuff?
I have a similar issue.


I contacted the source and have been told that probably some excipients like the mannitol haven't dissolved fully.

Some time ago someone complained about cloudy HGH (in that particular case it was Stanford)
See this thread:

In this thread Stanford posts pics of his HGH (claiming that cloudiness is somewhat related to amount of back water) and even the one with the right amount of bac water is still a little cloudy.

I've been taking the HGH for a couple weeks now and my sleep improved significantly.

Anyone else with cloudiness/particles issues?


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Yes, it just gets less cloudy with more water but stays cloudy nonetheless.

I have slightly sensitive nipples, better sleep and gained 4 kg (of water) in the first two weeks.
No other effects that I am aware of (yet). No pip.

I up the dose slowly (else I feel the sides stronger) and it's around 3 IU ED after breakfast now.
Does it STAY cloudy or turn clear after a day or so? Most GH isnt crystal clear immediately after recon, even pharma.
Does it STAY cloudy or turn clear after a day or so? Most GH isnt crystal clear immediately after recon, even pharma.
I've noticed it clearing up after a day or so.
I inject it either way, havent had a issue yet, no redness or lumps.
I have some right now that reconstituted a bit cloudy an is Now crystal clear.

Cloudy I mean ever so slightly , not milky or gray
Have you tested the PH of your BAC water? Recently several of the Chinese providers (mostly for peptides), BAC water has been testing in the PH range of 9+. No personal experience directly with HGH, but I know the high PH with some peptides has increased cloudiness (as well as ISR).
Given enough kits I’ve noticed it on several different generics at some point. Even the most well known. “Licenced gmp”. Lol. I don’t think it alters the affects however if your concerned in the future I have never well yet to see this on any pharma.
The genotropin package insert explicitly states that the product should be disposed of if it is cloudy or contains particles.
Here you could of course argue that the powder always matches perfectly with the water.
I would like to say that it doesn't necessarily have to be the ulab HGH, but maybe the water itself. Who knows.
I am also aware that there are only a handful of manufacturers in China and almost all suppliers have the same sources of supply.
Another big variable is storage conditions and shipping, which could potentially influence the product itself.

however. I'm really bothered by how the seller handled my experience. I found the person to be cheeky, presumptuous and highly unprofessional. This provider has therefore become uninteresting to me, although I have always been extremely satisfied with his other products. What a shame.
The genotropin package insert explicitly states that the product should be disposed of if it is cloudy or contains particles.
Here you could of course argue that the powder always matches perfectly with the water.
I would like to say that it doesn't necessarily have to be the ulab HGH, but maybe the water itself. Who knows.
I am also aware that there are only a handful of manufacturers in China and almost all suppliers have the same sources of supply.
Another big variable is storage conditions and shipping, which could potentially influence the product itself.

however. I'm really bothered by how the seller handled my experience. I found the person to be cheeky, presumptuous and highly unprofessional. This provider has therefore become uninteresting to me, although I have always been extremely satisfied with his other products. What a shame.
but its not genotropin.

idk, maybe just stick to pharma.
but its not genotropin.

idk, maybe just stick to pharma.
I never used pharma. I was before using another lab which was perfectly fine. At the end I don't know if this affects the quality - the seller says no. I am ok with this, I just wanted to share my experience and gather some feedback from you guys here. That's all.
Different UGL's use different fillers and may even change fillers on different batches. I would guess that the filler is what is cloudy, which isn't necessarily bad. I wouldn't apply information from a pharma product to UGL as pharma product doesn't vary at all. So if Eli Lily says theirs shouldn't be cloudy, I would listen when using Eli Lily as they know their product. UGL is a different story though and batches can vary. If it were me and I got it from a trusted source I would just use it and not worry.