Cloudy HGH after reconstitution

what you use for reconst?Bacteriostatic wat?Have you tried with salt solution
I also tried with 2ml water of 10iu HGH and got similar results. I use no bac I use this Wasser für Injektionszwecke 100 ml - SHOP APOTHEKE but neither the amount nor the type of water seems to make any difference considering your feedback.

But if I got you right the HGH seems to work (improved sleep).
Nacl is available as well. Good idea. I try tomorrow.
Hi there,
I switched to a new HGH supplier which is known to sell good quality and is testing the products on regular basis.

I would like to avoid to drop the name of the brand. So please do not ask for that.

I usually reconstitute all my HGH from all brands with water for injection purpose. This is what I am doing since year's without any issues. HGH und water stored in a climate controlled fridge between 6 and 8°C.
I always use 1ml of water to reconstitute 10iu.

But since I switched to the new supplier something is different. The HGH is cloudy as shown in the pictures below.

I know this brand and an issue like this has never been reported so far... At least I am not aware of. So I believe that this is not an issue of the product in general and this affects just my HGH.

Do you maybe habe an idea which could cause that? Is it a problem? Is it degraded or damaged? I have no red lumps or reactions on the injection area. Everything is pretty fine.

I am in mid of my prep and I am just concerned that the effectiveness of the HGH is lowered or not existing anymore and I will recognize to late and/or my prep is not working as good as it could be.

So would you switch back to a brand I used before or do you not see any issue with this stuff?
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That happens once in a blue moon if I force the solution in too quickly. But after a short time it always goes clear. I only use Serostim.
I had a couple geno pens happen that way and it worked out fine. Had bloods tested during that time and it was normal as usual
but its not genotropin.

idk, maybe just stick to pharma.
yes but means lypholoized rHGH should not be we all know... mostly cloudy mean bacteria in pharma.

probably unpurified ie could be e coli puke or left over aminos, could even be solvents left (xylene anyone?) ... its not excipients as mannitol dissolves easily and even sub ml in a vial dissolves it all easily.. also mannitol would stay at the bottom like sugar would not make it cloudy... its something not soluble and is not suppose to be there so wether its harmful or not is beside the point... one should assume it is until proof otherwise. with recombinant made peptides it should be VERY MUCH a concern as possible endotoxins in the impurities.

this happened to QSC tesamorelin last batch... if this is QSC its obvious they are starting to cut corners. along with the semaglutide tainted peptides... ie didn't clean the lines one would assume if isn't a testing issue... but the fact it was ID d one could assume jano re ran it to be sure.

quality has gotten very good recently so folks shouldn't start accepting now that peptides are getting more and more popular that quality can start to drop.
Different UGL's use different fillers and may even change fillers on different batches. I would guess that the filler is what is cloudy, which isn't necessarily bad. I wouldn't apply information from a pharma product to UGL as pharma product doesn't vary at all. So if Eli Lily says theirs shouldn't be cloudy, I would listen when using Eli Lily as they know their product. UGL is a different story though and batches can vary. If it were me and I got it from a trusted source I would just use it and not worry.
no NEVER INJECT CLOUDY ANYTHING... unless a suspension.. this is pretty high up on the list of harm reduction guys... every peptide says do not use if cloudy from geno to pregnyl to insulin to epinephrine etc.. there is a REASON FOR THIS.... dont listen to bros who have NO IDEA about science.
no NEVER INJECT CLOUDY ANYTHING... unless a suspension.. this is pretty high up on the list of harm reduction guys... every peptide says do not use if cloudy from geno to pregnyl to insulin to epinephrine etc.. there is a REASON FOR THIS.... dont listen to bros who have NO IDEA about science.
Well, I have and do. What is this science you speak of? Is there a reliable domestic source for it? I'll subq the hell out of some cloudy science if it gives GAINS!!!
lol ya that CRAZY guy who suggests folks don't inject cloudy peptides... not only by simple deduction and reason but also because every pharma peptide ever made says "do not use if cloudy". apparently just a recommendation and "they just say that for fun and are off kilter" to some people like pissing on a electric fence or licking frost off a pole...

for a harm reduction forum it simply is crazy.. is it fine to inject cloudy oils too ? or just peptides? just curious..
I was actually not aware until today that a large 30ml vial of Bac Water is supposed to be used up within 28 days, according to the manufacturer. I have re-used the same 30ml vial for recon for months without issue.

However, perhaps this is what is causing the OP's issue?
Meanwhile i went back to optitropin. Using still the same water, still stored at 5-8 °C in to the fridge and everything is ok and crystal clear.

Never change a running system. I am going to stay with Opti.
I was actually not aware until today that a large 30ml vial of Bac Water is supposed to be used up within 28 days, according to the manufacturer. I have re-used the same 30ml vial for recon for months without issue.

However, perhaps this is what is causing the OP's issue?
I just finished a Hospira that was 5 months old with no issues the whole time. I think it’s mostly for watching phizer’s ass for lawsuits.
I recently had this happen to me because my back water had to much BA in it (I make my own). As soon as I made new back water with the right ratio the next vial was crystal clear.
I recently had this happen to me because my back water had to much BA in it (I make my own). As soon as I made new back water with the right ratio the next vial was crystal clear.

BAC water not back water

Dimer not dimmer

Edit: yes, I already felt like a dork for posting this.