Comeback cycle log


5"11 33 years old 220 pounds.

Just got back into the game. Was on trt at 160mgs for the past year but was training very hard. Maybe 3 days a week with my construction job. I got a new job and decided it was time to return to my passion for bodybuilding. My goal is to continue putting on size over the next 2 years then hire a prep coach and compete. I am estro sensitive and don't tolerate 19 nors well so it's been a bit tricky to find a winning formula. So I began using test and mast in late February and began slowly ramping up the dosages. When I began I was 193 at around 15% bodyfat. Currently sitting at 220 with less bodyfat, maybe closer to 12%. Current cycle is 250mgs of test c and 150mg of mast every 4th day. I used superdrol for 4 weeks at 10mgs pre workout then took two weeks off and did anavar at 30mgs pre workout for 4 weeks. Currently off orals and preparing to add dhb at 50mgs every 4th day to start. Will ramp up doses on dhb until I notice more sides then what I'm comfortable with. Planning on running this combo for 8 weeks. I know my cycle is going a bit long but the doses haven't been consistent and have been ramped slowly. After that I will shut it down and return to trt until bloods look good. Any and all advice welcome! Also going to do a month stint of carderine at 10mgs on training days and I picked up Amino Asylums injectable pump mix that I'm going to try on training days on the body part trained. Cals 2900-3200 P 250-300 C 350-400 F 100-150.
Thank you! I also got sober again after a relapse in September. I was on opiates for about ten years. Got sober for 3 years and had a 3 month relapse after a friend passed from an overdose. But I'm back and I'm fully committed to this. Addicts like me need something we can obsess over and feel accomplished. I'm all in!
Smashed legs today. Front squats, Romanian deadlifts, walking lunges, leg extension, leg curl, leg press. 3-5 sets for each 20 reps down to ten as weight increased. Ate 6 asada soft tacos with guacamole post workout. Feeling good! Now I'm attending an online NA meeting. Much love!
What are everyone's thoughts on igf des and lr3. I have been considering implementing one of these either pre or post workout. I feel des would be safest maybe pre and post workout or using lr3 once a time. What experiences have people had using this and how did you use it? And do you feel it is worth it and when do you implement them?
Donated blood yesterday. And have blood work setup for Monday. Hemoglobin was high at 18.7 so I'm getting blood work to check platelets. Going to change my diet around and consume less red meat, keep up the IP6, garlic, nac and fishoil and avoid the b vitamins and vitamin c.
Still waiting on blood but I think I'm going to take the next month or two to clean out. Drop to 150 test and implement carderine to improve my lipids along with my other health supps. Keep the food and training up and prime myself for my next cycle. I'm thinking 500 test 400 mast 100 dhb and 30 mgs var. Then push the food and try to get to 240 and hold that weight. But I'll go by feel and what my body tells me. Any suggestions on what people have used to get there blood work in check on a cruise?
Still waiting on blood but I think I'm going to take the next month or two to clean out. Drop to 150 test and implement carderine to improve my lipids along with my other health supps. Keep the food and training up and prime myself for my next cycle. I'm thinking 500 test 400 mast 100 dhb and 30 mgs var. Then push the food and try to get to 240 and hold that weight. But I'll go by feel and what my body tells me. Any suggestions on what people have used to get there blood work in check on a cruise?
Sounds like a good plan brother. Interested to see how your labs work out. Stay strong
Smashed chest. Tried Amino asylums injectable pump blend. Did 1 ml in the right delt. Definetly noticed a difference but next time I think I'll do 1/2ml in each delt. It definetly seems to have a localized effect. Still waiting on blood but as far as my cycle I'm skipping a week of injections and will resume to a half cc twice a week while continuing carderine. Interested in bringing in growth. Any suggestions on favorite generic?
Hell yeah just got my bloods and I'm looking great!


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Really pleased that my liver is great after a superdrol followed by anavar cycle. I'm going to donate 1 more time in a month to get my rbc down a bit more. I have to imagine the glucose level was a mistake on my part. Maybe I didnt fast long enough. I'm not on any gh or peptides. But I'm adding berberine in the morning and post workout just to be safe.
Had arms today or what I like to call desert! Lol. As of late I've cut the mast out due to an order lagging behind. So I'm just running 500 test currently. I'm going to schedule another donation to get my hemo in range. But I've ordered some npp,mast e, and dhb. I'm familiar with nandralone and mast but I've yet to use dhb. I'm thinking 500 test, 100npp just for joints, 200-400 mast, and 100 dhb. Depending on how much estro sides I notice I'll adjust the mast accordingly. And I'm going to start with the mast and npp to assess how I feel before adding the dhb later in the cycle. Still have superdrol and var on hand that I will sprinkle in pre workout. I would love some feedback from some experienced members!
Soo hadn't check my weight for a couple weeks and to my surprise I'm ten pounds heavier. I havent gained any additional fat or water from what I can tell and I'm still just on the 500 test. So sitting at 230 now. And I was 193 late Feb. Pretty stoked at the progress so far.
Got my npp and did my first shot. 250 test and 50 of npp. I'm not using this compound as my main growth compound but more for it's specific effects on my joints. Also using 10mgs of superdrol pre workout for the last week. Going to continue the superdrol for 1 to 2 more weeks then switch to anavar at 30 to 50 mgs for another 2 to 3 weeks. Will reintroduce Masteron soon as well.
Not much to report. Weight is holding at 230lbs and had chest and a little shoulders today. Overall feeling pretty good. Doing 4 heavy meals per day. Using berberine 3 times a day to help with the carbohydrate load. Did my second shot of 250 test and 50npp. Barely any pip. Just wanted to see how I felt for a week or so with the npp before adding mast back in at 200mgs to start. Still using 10mg superdrol on training days pre workout. Going to donate again in a couple weeks just to get hemo in check. All other markers were good.
Definitely notice some pip with the npp. But added in the mast at 200mgs. So currently sitting at 500 test 100 npp 200mgs Masteron. 10mgs superdrol pre but switching to 20-30mg of anavar after this week. Will hold dosages and if anything is going to go up it will be the mast. Cals at 3500. Let's get it!