Coming off 12 months vs 15 months


New Member
If one has been mostly cruising with only test, is there going to be much of a difference of coming off after 1 year vs 15 months? At what length of time does PCT go from sucking to being fucking hell?
Up and down, 250/wk for couple months, 125/wk for couple months, 125 E4D current. Trouble finding the best balance but taking the least as never cruised. Only 2 months during the year anything above 250mg, 1 month in the beginning at 500/wk, and 3 weeks at 300/wk (Pro). At two points off everything for 3-4 weeks.
You better get a fuck ton of hcg and Clomid ready, it is doable, there have been successfully treated people.. I would be cautious and have accutane on hand in case you start getting cystic acne during PCT. a little bit is fine, but PCT after a 16wk sustanon cycle is when I broke out in very dangerous cystic acne. Wish I had it at the time.
Up and down, 250/wk for couple months, 125/wk for couple months, 125 E4D current. Trouble finding the best balance but taking the least as never cruised. Only 2 months during the year anything above 250mg, 1 month in the beginning at 500/wk, and 3 weeks at 300/wk (Pro). At two points off everything for 3-4 weeks.

Balance for what? Not a lot of consistency there. Did you get blood work at all?
How old are you? 12 or 15 months are going to make for a difficult recovery for most regardless. Is there much of a difference? Probably not. What's the plan for the additional 3 months? Why wait? Why do you want to come off at all and why did you start?
33. Started due to low test symptoms, which I have had for years. Yes I have pre bloodwork. Balance issue was E2 related. Never had any issue with it before, even at 500mg/4months. But all of a sudden am very sensitive to it, had a flare up at 250 when I first started. The reason to wait is it's summer and we have a vacation coming up in a month and multiple weddings etc., so if I waited until the end of summer I would have less social responsibilities. June 1st will be one year. Coming off to have possibly have 2nd child, have a 1 year old now. Unless fertility could be attained with Hcg and possibly Hmg combined.
You better get a fuck ton of hcg and Clomid ready, it is doable, there have been successfully treated people.. I would be cautious and have accutane on hand in case you start getting cystic acne during PCT. a little bit is fine, but PCT after a 16wk sustanon cycle is when I broke out in very dangerous cystic acne. Wish I had it at the time.
I do get cystic in PCT, but antibiotics work well for me, and have some on hand already.
I'd suggest u start with some baseline lab work including a sperm count.

The latter is particularly important bc the MAJORITY of hypogonadal mates are anything but sterile!

How ironic Mother Nature suspected males would one day cycle AAS and prepared for that eventuality by ensuring only small amounts of TT were required for procreation! :)

Incidentally bc of there nonspecific nature, very few if any symptoms of "low T" correlate with TT levels per say, especially on an individual basis.
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How ironic Mother Nature suspected males would one day cycle AAS and prepared for that eventuality by ensuring only small amounts of TT were required for procreation! :)

Incidentally bc of there nonspecific nature, very few if any symptoms of "low T" correlate with TT levels per say, especially on an individual basis.

That's is promising, I thought the majority of guys were sterile and the very few minority were still able to remain fertile.