Coming off of 9 months, any advice is appreciated!

Estrogen rebound is bro science smfh. Obviously you have no fucking idea what real facts are. Why don't you post science backed claims that estrogen rebound is anything other than regurgitated bro science bullshit
So you saying Dr. Scally's posts on that topic is "broscience"? But isn't there so much debate on that to warrant discussion?

Edit : never mind, @Docd187123 beat me to it.
So you saying Dr. Scally's posts on that topic is "broscience"? But isn't there so much debate on that to warrant discussion?

Edit : never mind, @Docd187123 beat me to it.

I wouldn't speak on Dr. Scally's opinion unless you know what they are which it's painful obvious you don't in this case. The other poster said he thought Dr. Scally believed in estrogen rebound but he most certainly doesn't. Read before you post next time please.
So you saying Dr. Scally's posts on that topic is "broscience"? But isn't there so much debate on that to warrant discussion?

Edit : never mind, @Docd187123 beat me to it.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
Go back to whatever fucking hole you crawled out of. Your kind is not welcome here
That you know how to flex. And you do bicep curls with Tuna fish and barracudas to get your physique.
What has been established is that you are a fucking clown. You are contributing to the never ending pile of bullshit bro science. Which is also continuing the viscous cycle of bullshit being regurgitated over and over by clowns like yourself
What has been established is that you are a fucking clown. You are contributing to the never ending pile of bullshit bro science. Which is also continuing the viscous cycle of bullshit being regurgitated over and over by clowns like yourself

What lb test do you use?
It is possible to educate noobs to this forum without harassing them. Not every thread needs to turn into page upon page of criticism. This hazing of guys has gotten out of control. If they come here with the intent of learning, allow them the freedom to do so without immediately chasing them off with pointless insults. Someone asks for help, either provide something they can use, or find another thread to flex on. There are plenty. Thanks in advance for your cooperation in this matter :)
It is possible to educate noobs to this forum without harassing them. Not every thread needs to turn into page upon page of criticism. This hazing of guys has gotten out of control. If they come here with the intent of learning, allow them the freedom to do so without immediately chasing them off with pointless insults. Someone asks for help, either provide something they can use, or find another thread to flex on. There are plenty. Thanks in advance for your cooperation in this matter :)
This dude used bro science as a reference then was claiming that the solid info he was given was just bro science. It was insulting just to read. Not only that he was trying to clown meso for being the only forum that didn't believe in his stupidity
This dude used bro science as a reference then was claiming that the solid info he was given was just bro science. It was insulting just to read. Not only that he was trying to clown meso for being the only forum that didn't believe in his stupidity

Just fish. Let's all be adults here. You sound like a 16 year old behind a computer screen. I'm willing to bet we're all 200+ lb men here, who have established lives and a mature mentality. Insults about peoples mothers A) makes you again, appear to be anywhere in the ages of 10-16. Maybe 17. B) They make this board look really, really bad by portraying an image to hopeful meso members that the board is full of people just like you, which in fact it is not. You don't have any just came to the thread whipped your dick out and said here I am.

Put the dick away. It's not needed.

This dude used bro science as a reference then was claiming that the solid info he was given was just bro science. It was insulting just to read. Not only that he was trying to clown meso for being the only forum that didn't believe in his stupidity

Did you even bother reading his posts? He said, and I quote, "correct me if I'm wrong, I could be mistaken".... He then asked for scientific studies to support the notion that estrogen rebound does not exist. He never claimed what Insertnamehere said was Broscience at all.

Its cool. Just a general message to everyone. This attack first mentality has become the norm here and I believe we turn away what could be potentially quality members before we've even given them a chance to contribute or get to know them.
I agree with you. This dude was different though
No to fish, of course tie up my mother you imbecile.
Considering I do everything from trout to shark fishing your question was a fine example of your intelligence. What lb weights do you lift? Stupid fucking question ha?
Considering I do everything from trout to shark fishing your question was a fine example of your intelligence. What lb weights do you lift? Stupid fucking question ha?

You just don't give up do you lol

It was a half assed sarcastic question which most definitely didn't require a response on your behalf.

Somebody tie this man down with my mother so he doesn't ruin anymore threads.

Fuck guys, this thread really got off topic, haha.

Thanks for the responses, especially the gold on AI.

I have switched over to a low dose of Prop (75 E3D) while I am waiting for the long ester to clear my blood. Last C pin was 7 days ago.

I am going to start the HCG tomorrow. Hoping that I don't have a shitty reaction to it like I had before.