Compounds and acne

Starting a blast and was curious about other’s experiences.

Which compounds do you guys tend to see more acne on?

I was on test, npp and eq (little over a gram) and had virtually nothing. Tren and dbol are rather mild.

Anavar and Anadrol tend to wreck me with cystic acne to where I need to stop.

Just curious about what others experienced.
No acne ever. Test, Deca, npp mast, ment, tren, Anadrol. Anavar, obviously not all at the same time. No issues even when I didn't use to control estrogen as tightly as I do now
Never had any that caused acne. If I get acne it's because I got lazy and was inconsistent with my injections. But spacing out Injections to ensure stable levels of hormones is what I do which imo prevents acne.
Close to saying fuck it and try 10-20mg daily. Script or ugl?

It's a breeze. Not nearly as bad as I feared. I ended up going "all the way" for the permanent cure, and my skin has never been better. Wish I did it years ago.

ONLY use pharma. It has to be in oil filled gelcaps, dry pills don't work nearly as well,

It's super cheap from India pharma. Accufine from healing pharma is the brand you want.
As long as I follow my protocol of scrub with Salic acid soap and simple 2% benzoyl peroxide I get minimal is any but I think it is all the food and stress. Now 1 Dbol and I break out.