Compounds with greatest RBC/HCT increase ?


I’m looking to get experiences from people who’ve noticed a greater or lesser increase in RBC/HCT/HBG from running a specific compound at a similar dose to another compound… or possibly- you ran 1 compound at a low dose, and experienced a large increase in RBC/HCT/HBG, but have run another compound at a High dose, and experienced little to no increase on the same labs.

You hear boldenone to me known for producing this effect, but I’m curious to hear others how any and all of the others including boldenone have effected their oxygen carrying capacity metrics.

The reason I ask, is because although I’ve never run Boldenone, I’ve used most other drugs that are known to produce the effect of causing people to have to donate blood, however I’ve never gotten above middle of the reference range RBC,HCT,HBG levels.

I had clinically below range HBG/HCT before I ever began any exogenous hormones. So technically anemic, that wasn’t caused by an iron deficiency since my iron was up toward the top.

I live right at sea level so idk if that matters as to why I’ve never had even middle top range numbers before.

I’ve been on for a while now, I’ve run high doses of Test, Deca, tren, primo( just not for very long with primo only 3-4 weeks). Done hit, cardio for months, skipped cardio for months, but nothing seems to effect my levels. I’d like to see how my endurance could be improved potentially with higher levels of oxygen carrying capacity.

Curious about others experiences. Thanks
Boldenone and Anadrol seem to have biggest impact on RBC for me. Not sure about HBG, had it at "professional athelete" level according to the doctor before gear, very top end of the reference range. Funny fact, be it higher blood pressure or very high RBC, flaccid man downstairs is bigger on gear. Only when flaccid though. Noticeable difference with Anadrol+Boldenone on the stack.
I’m looking to get experiences from people who’ve noticed a greater or lesser increase in RBC/HCT/HBG from running a specific compound at a similar dose to another compound… or possibly- you ran 1 compound at a low dose, and experienced a large increase in RBC/HCT/HBG, but have run another compound at a High dose, and experienced little to no increase on the same labs.

You hear boldenone to me known for producing this effect, but I’m curious to hear others how any and all of the others including boldenone have effected their oxygen carrying capacity metrics.

The reason I ask, is because although I’ve never run Boldenone, I’ve used most other drugs that are known to produce the effect of causing people to have to donate blood, however I’ve never gotten above middle of the reference range RBC,HCT,HBG levels.

I had clinically below range HBG/HCT before I ever began any exogenous hormones. So technically anemic, that wasn’t caused by an iron deficiency since my iron was up toward the top.

I live right at sea level so idk if that matters as to why I’ve never had even middle top range numbers before.

I’ve been on for a while now, I’ve run high doses of Test, Deca, tren, primo( just not for very long with primo only 3-4 weeks). Done hit, cardio for months, skipped cardio for months, but nothing seems to effect my levels. I’d like to see how my endurance could be improved potentially with higher levels of oxygen carrying capacity.

Curious about others experiences. Thanks
As a long distance runner, test, mast, primo, anadrol never raised mine up enough to have to donate blood. My miles keeps it under control.

However with enough EPO, I did have to drop it to keep it from getting too high.
I’ve run all of the known steroids that help anemia except for boldenone.

I’ve just never gotten above the middle of the range for these metrics. I wonder if it’s just a genetic thing or if I’m lacking in something else.

I take all the vitamins and have a good diet too.

The only thing I do get high numbers on is platelets which are always up toward the very top of the range since starting gear or the platelets have been over the ref range a few times also.
EQ @ 600 mg/week with anavar @ 25-50 mg daily check levels @ 8 weeks if it’s still good check again at 12,16 week interval
I’m considering trying EQ from my next offseason.

The first blast( long offseason transition into 12 week prep) I did was from February till Now and I’m starting to cruise this week.

So it’s not like I haven’t been on high doses of others for a prolonged period.

At times it the last year was 600 test/700Deca

1050deca only with injectable estradiol

140 test, 400-700 Trenbolone, 20mg Anavar 5x per week

700 trenbolone, 350 wisntrol, 420 masteron, with injectable estradiol( dropped the 140mg testosterone from the previous leg of the cycle so needed some form of estrogen replacement )

All I’ve gotten to the top of the range on blood values was playlets. But the HCT/HBG are always in the middle of the range, maybe a few points over the middle, but not ever close to the top or over.
I just wonder how common it is for other people.
I have HCT in low 40's and HgB ≈13.0 while on test only cruise (200mg/wk). I do a fair amount of cardio and HIIT conditioning so I'm certain that has some impact on that. My drug use has included the following. Hope this can provide you a bit of useful info.

I only used EQ once but I chose to cut the cycle short for personal reasons. The run was for 12 weeks at 600mg/wk and when I got bloodwork 2 weeks after my final shot, it showed my HCT at 48 and HgB at 15.5.

I used anadrol once years ago. I didn't get bloodwork while on it because it gave me very high blood pressure (for me) and nose bleeds were somewhat common. So I don't think I'll ever use it again.

Tren once got my HCT up to 49 but my HgB was still sub 15. So I think dehydration had a lot to do with that HCT result.

The only thing that ever got my HCT above 50 and my HgB near 17 was EPO. I know that probably gets a "Really? No kidding?!" But I thought I'd mention it.
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I’m considering trying EQ from my next offseason.

The first blast( long offseason transition into 12 week prep) I did was from February till Now and I’m starting to cruise this week.

So it’s not like I haven’t been on high doses of others for a prolonged period.

At times it the last year was 600 test/700Deca

1050deca only with injectable estradiol

140 test, 400-700 Trenbolone, 20mg Anavar 5x per week

700 trenbolone, 350 wisntrol, 420 masteron, with injectable estradiol( dropped the 140mg testosterone from the previous leg of the cycle so needed some form of estrogen replacement )

All I’ve gotten to the top of the range on blood values was playlets. But the HCT/HBG are always in the middle of the range, maybe a few points over the middle, but not ever close to the top or over.
The question here is are you losing rbc’s and Hemoglobin, is it low production from bone marrow issue or excessive damage to blood. Run a full CBC with differentials again in 30 days, also check for A1C numbers. Rule out cellular damage to RBC’s
The question here is are you losing rbc’s and Hemoglobin, is it low production from bone marrow issue or excessive damage to blood. Run a full CBC with differentials again in 30 days, also check for A1C numbers. Rule out cellular damage to RBC’s
what? BM damage?

its not like he had chemotherapy.

people may stimulate HGB production and/or platelets from AAS.

Something is being created with the androgens, so the bone marrow may be functioning normally unless he has ET, but even then. it may not present itself with borderline anemia. Typically 450+ platelets consecutively.

Chronic blood loss vs naturally low may be more plausible.

some people have chronic GI bleeds which can result in low hgb and elevated platelets. since it is connected with androgens increasing platelets.. that may be an issue.

Soluble transferrin would be more ideal to grab to check for IDA.
if its constantly low, it may be more ideal to see a hematologist.(The doctor may order the soluble transferrin)

CBC with differential wont tell you as much if its bone marrow damage unless you are suggesting for him to look for blasts.
I also do not understand what checking an A1C would suggest for cellular damage...

checking spleen? Its not like he knows wtf he is looking for. You might as well tell OP to get off the AAS(or go to TRT) and see a doctor to rule everything out.
The question here is are you losing rbc’s and Hemoglobin, is it low production from bone marrow issue or excessive damage to blood. Run a full CBC with differentials again in 30 days, also check for A1C numbers. Rule out cellular damage to RBC’s
I’ve had 7 or 8 cbc with diff done in the last 7 months.

Everything is solid. Platelets are toward the top and have been over by a little bit on 2 of the tests.
what? BM damage?

its not like he had chemotherapy.

people may stimulate HGB production and/or platelets from AAS.

Something is being created with the androgens, so the bone marrow may be functioning normally unless he has ET, but even then. it may not present itself with borderline anemia. Typically 450+ platelets consecutively.

Chronic blood loss vs naturally low may be more plausible.

some people have chronic GI bleeds which can result in low hgb and elevated platelets. since it is connected with androgens increasing platelets.. that may be an issue.

Soluble transferrin would be more ideal to grab to check for IDA.
if its constantly low, it may be more ideal to see a hematologist.(The doctor may order the soluble transferrin)

CBC with differential wont tell you as much if its bone marrow damage unless you are suggesting for him to look for blasts.
I also do not understand what checking an A1C would suggest for cellular damage...

checking spleen? Its not like he knows wtf he is looking for. You might as well tell OP to get off the AAS(or go to TRT) and see a doctor to rule everything out.
What is ET? I’ve had 400-540 platelets multiple times
what? BM damage?

its not like he had chemotherapy.

people may stimulate HGB production and/or platelets from AAS.

Something is being created with the androgens, so the bone marrow may be functioning normally unless he has ET, but even then. it may not present itself with borderline anemia. Typically 450+ platelets consecutively.

Chronic blood loss vs naturally low may be more plausible.

some people have chronic GI bleeds which can result in low hgb and elevated platelets. since it is connected with androgens increasing platelets.. that may be an issue.

Soluble transferrin would be more ideal to grab to check for IDA.
if its constantly low, it may be more ideal to see a hematologist.(The doctor may order the soluble transferrin)

CBC with differential wont tell you as much if its bone marrow damage unless you are suggesting for him to look for blasts.
I also do not understand what checking an A1C would suggest for cellular damage...

checking spleen? Its not like he knows wtf he is looking for. You might as well tell OP to get off the AAS(or go to TRT) and see a doctor to rule everything out.
Lifetime natty I had slight anemic level HBG/HCG
Normal platelets

160mg trt brought me to the middle of the range for HBG/HCT. More gear didn’t increase it further. Even on a gram for 5-6 months. That’s when platelets started going higher than just normal. Just under the top not over. It was over to 520-540 twice but came back down on its own despite the same dose.
ET is essential thrombocythemia. This blood work is from cycling right? Any elevation on natty blood work.

Also inflammation can cause elevated platelets
I have natty blood work going back most of my life. And I only was ever Normal lower range for the HBG/HCT.l natty Normal middle as a natty for playlets.

Last natty test before ever going on, I was actually slightly below range HBG/HCT with still normal platelets.

As soon as I went in 160mg per week, my HBG/HCT went from being below range to the middle, maybe a couple points above the middle of the range, but in range middle. At this time my platelets jumped up over the reference range to 540. Which is significantly over range.

I went on to blast like over a gram and everything stayed the same, but over many months platelets came back into range just at the very top. Platelets fluctuated again and went over slightly but then back down again.

I have elevated CRP currently- however this only occurred within the last 3 months or so. The trend with my red blood cell/ playlet markers was the same as it is now even when my CRP was not elevated.

I’m not sure how bad it is but my high sensitivity CRP is 6.3 and 6.1 over the last 3 months. I’m comming off to cruise right now as we speak actually. To see if that’s causing the CRP elevation.

Other than that everything is perfect. Even my lipids aren’t bad imo.

Cystatin C and Creatinine based egfr both have stayed 125-130 over the last year while blasting
I have natty blood work going back most of my life. And I only was ever Normal lower range for the HBG/HCT.l natty Normal middle as a natty for playlets.

Last natty test before ever going on, I was actually slightly below range HBG/HCT with still normal platelets.

As soon as I went in 160mg per week, my HBG/HCT went from being below range to the middle, maybe a couple points above the middle of the range, but in range middle. At this time my platelets jumped up over the reference range to 540. Which is significantly over range.

I went on to blast like over a gram and everything stayed the same, but over many months platelets came back into range just at the very top. Platelets fluctuated again and went over slightly but then back down again.

I have elevated CRP currently- however this only occurred within the last 3 months or so. The trend with my red blood cell/ playlet markers was the same as it is now even when my CRP was not elevated.

I’m not sure how bad it is but my high sensitivity CRP is 6.3 and 6.1 over the last 3 months. I’m comming off to cruise right now as we speak actually. To see if that’s causing the CRP elevation.

Other than that everything is perfect. Even my lipids aren’t bad imo.

Cystatin C and Creatinine based egfr both have stayed 125-130 over the last year while blasting
Did you do anything for the platelets? I’m having the same issue