Compounds with greatest RBC/HCT increase ?

It would be interesting to see how many guys with elevated Hgb, and Hematocrit also have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea will raise both like no other. Mine use to elevate with pretty much anything I took, but once I treated the sleep apnea and started Telmisartan both never rise to the level of being out of range.
Did you do anything for the platelets? I’m having the same issue
No it’s come down to just staying just in range at the very top and if it goes over in the last few test I’ve done it’s not by much so I’m leaving it. I’m going to look into it eventually on how to mitigate.

How are your HBG/HCT?
As a long distance runner, test, mast, primo, anadrol never raised mine up enough to have to donate blood. My miles keeps it under control.

However with enough EPO, I did have to drop it to keep it from getting too high.
Was there a type of Epo you’ve liked best ? Epron? And curious on dose schedule. I’ve come back to this issue trying to play around with things as get more endurance oriented.
It would be interesting to see how many guys with elevated Hgb, and Hematocrit also have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea will raise both like no other. Mine use to elevate with pretty much anything I took, but once I treated the sleep apnea and started Telmisartan both never rise to the level of being out of range.
Would also need to control for hemochromatosis genes (partial or full). N. European ancestry.

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